JLD.jl copied to clipboard
BUG: cannot reconstruct tuples
When I try to read in a dataset I get the following:
ERROR: stored type Core.Tuple{Core.Float64,Core.Bool} does not match currently loaded type
I can't do it right this second, but soon I will construct a minimal example and post the code.
I probably have the same problem
type T2
x = T2([(1,2),(2,3)])
@save "x.jld" x
@load "x.jld"
ERROR: MethodError: `jlconvert!` has no method matching jlconvert!(::Ptr{Tuple{Int64,Int64}}, ::Type{Tuple{Int64,Int64}}, ::JLD.JldFile, ::Ptr{UInt8})
Closest candidates are:
jlconvert!(::Ptr{T}, ::Union{Type{Float32},Type{Float64},Type{Int16},Type{Int32},Type{Int64},Type{Int8},Type{UInt16},Type{UInt32},Type{UInt64},Type{UInt8}}, ::JLD.JldFile, ::Ptr{T})
jlconvert!(::Ptr{T}, ::Type{Void}, ::JLD.JldFile, ::Ptr{T})
in read_vals at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:397
in read_array at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:359
in read at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:322
in read_ref at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:448
[inlined code] from /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/jld_types.jl:428
in jlconvert at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/jld_types.jl:436
in read_scalar at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:348
in read at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:320
in read at /Users/pagnani/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:305
in anonymous at no file
The very same problem occurs with a
Type T1
h::Dict{Tuple{Int,Int}, Float64}
Is this a known limitation of JLD?
@pagnani Did you set INLINE_TUPLE = true
? Does this happen without that change?
Well the first lines of jld_types.jl are
# Controls whether tuples and non-pointerfree immutables, which Julia
# stores as references, are stored inline in compound types when
# possible. Currently this is problematic because Julia fields of these
# types may be undefined.
const INLINE_TUPLE = true
I think I'm running into this as well. Here's my reduced case (on master of JLD.jl):
julia> immutable Foo
t::Tuple{Float64, Float64}
julia> immutable Bar
julia> using JLD
julia> JLD.save("test.jld", "bar", Bar(Foo((1.0, 1.0))))
julia> JLD.load("test.jld")
ERROR: stored type Foo does not match currently loaded type
in jldatatype at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/jld_types.jl:689
in jldatatype at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/jld_types.jl:679
in read at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:370
in read at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:346
in anonymous at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:1185
in jldopen at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:245
in load at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/JLD/src/JLD.jl:1184
in load at /Users/jarrettrevels/.julia/v0.4/FileIO/src/loadsave.jl:42
This only seems to occur when the Tuple
is nested within the field of another type. For example, these all work without error:
julia> JLD.save("test.jld", "foo", Foo((1.0, 1.0)))
julia> JLD.load("test.jld")
Dict{ByteString,Any} with 1 entry:
"foo" => Foo((1.0,1.0))
julia> JLD.save("test.jld", "foo", [Foo((1.0, 1.0))])
julia> JLD.load("test.jld")
Dict{ByteString,Any} with 1 entry:
"foo" => [Foo((1.0,1.0))]
julia> JLD.save("test.jld", "foo", Dict("f" => Foo((1.0, 1.0))))
julia> JLD.load("test.jld")
Dict{ByteString,Any} with 1 entry:
"foo" => Dict("f"=>Foo((1.0,1.0)))
Since I'm running from this package's master branch, INLINE_TUPLE = false
. I tried switching it to true
just to see what would happen, and I got ERROR: Error dereferencing object
when calling JLD.load("test.jld")
In the short term, you all might be able to work around this using a custom serializer.
Also hitting this. For me, it seems to have to do with what module the type is defined in:
using StaticArrays
using JLD
s = rand(SVector{3});
save("jl.jld", "s", s);
load("jl.jld") # This works!
module M
using StaticArrays
immutable Typ{N,T}
s2 = M.Typ(rand(SVector{3}));
save("jl2.jld", "s2", s2)
load("jl2.jld") # Crashes!