VoronoiDelaunay.jl copied to clipboard
LoadError: indexing Images.Image
The example file is no longer usable. With the latest master I'm getting:
LoadError: indexing Images.Image{ColorTypes.BGRA{FixedPointNumbers.UFixed{UInt8,8}},2,Array{ColorTypes.BGRA{FixedPointNumbers.UFixed{UInt8,8}},2}} with types Tuple{Tuple{Int64,Int64}} is not supported while loading In[1], in expression starting on line 9
If the @compat
is removed, the code runs, but the output image is very wrong. Any ideas what is going on here?
Edit: info Using Julia v0.4.5.
This issue is still valid in Julia v0.5.
For what it's worth 5 years later on Julia 1.6 .....
"imread" is now "load" in Images
the code runs but doesn't produce the example output
import VoronoiDelaunay: from_image, voronoiedges, getplotxy
import Images: load
import Gadfly: set_default_plot_size, plot, Geom, Scale, cm, draw, SVG, inch
img = load("julia.png")
# placing points in places that represent the image.
tess = from_image(img, 25000)
# making the plot
x, y = getplotxy(voronoiedges(tess))
p = plot(x=x, y=y, Geom.path, Scale.x_continuous(minvalue=1.0, maxvalue=2.0), Scale.y_continuous(minvalue=1.25, maxvalue=1.75))
# save as SVG
draw(SVG("voroimage.svg", 8inch, 4inch), p)