GLVisualize.jl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GLVisualize.jl copied to clipboard

model matrix as Signal is silently picky about element type

Open goretkin opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

This does not plot the square.

using GeometryTypes
using GLVisualize, Reactive, GLWindow
using StaticArrays

window = glscreen()

o = HyperRectangle{2,Float32}([100.0,100.0],[-100.0,-100.0])
tx = Signal(eye(SMatrix{4,4,Float64})) # change to Float32 for it to work
vis = visualize(o, model=tx)

_view(vis, window, camera = :orthographic_pixel)

@async renderloop(window)
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.6.0
Commit 903644385b (2017-06-19 13:05 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4960HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
  LAPACK: libopenblas64_
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)

julia> Pkg.status()
5 required packages:
 - BenchmarkTools                0.2.2
 - EnhancedGJK                   0.0.1
 - GLVisualize                   0.6.1+             master
 - ImageMagick                   0.5.0
 - Plots                         0.13.1
74 additional packages:
 - AbstractFFTs                  0.2.0
 - AxisAlgorithms                0.2.0
 - AxisArrays                    0.2.0
 - BinDeps                       0.7.0
 - Calculus                      0.2.2
 - CatIndices                    0.1.0
 - ColorTypes                    0.6.6
 - ColorVectorSpace              0.5.2
 - Colors                        0.8.2
 - Compat                        0.37.0
 - ComputationalResources        0.2.0
 - Contour                       0.4.0
 - CoordinateTransformations     0.4.1
 - CustomUnitRanges              0.1.0
 - DataStructures                0.7.2
 - DualNumbers                   0.3.0
 - FFTViews                      0.1.0
 - FFTW                          0.0.4
 - FileIO                        0.6.0
 - FixedPointNumbers             0.4.3
 - FreeType                      1.3.0
 - FreeTypeAbstraction           0.1.0
 - GLAbstraction                 0.5.1
 - GLFW                          1.4.1
 - GLWindow                      0.7.0
 - GeometryTypes                 0.4.3
 - Graphics                      0.2.0
 - Homebrew                      0.6.1
 - IdentityRanges                0.1.0
 - ImageAxes                     0.4.0
 - ImageCore                     0.5.0
 - ImageFiltering                0.2.3
 - ImageMetadata                 0.4.0
 - ImageMorphology               0.0.2
 - ImageTransformations          0.4.1
 - Images                        0.11.5
 - IndirectArrays                0.3.0
 - Interpolations                0.7.2
 - IntervalSets                  0.1.1
 - IterTools                     0.1.0
 - JSON                          0.16.1
 - MacroTools                    0.4.0
 - MappedArrays                  0.0.7
 - Measures                      0.1.0
 - MeshIO                        0.1.0
 - ModernGL                      0.2.1
 - NaNMath                       0.3.0
 - OffsetArrays                  0.4.2
 - Packing                       0.1.0
 - PaddedViews                   0.2.0
 - PlotThemes                    0.1.4
 - PlotUtils                     0.4.4
 - Quaternions                   0.3.0
 - RangeArrays                   0.2.0
 - Ratios                        0.2.0
 - Reactive                      0.6.0+             master
 - RecipesBase                   0.2.3
 - Reexport                      0.0.3
 - Requires                      0.4.3
 - Rotations                     0.6.1
 - SHA                           0.5.2
 - SIUnits                       0.1.0
 - ShowItLikeYouBuildIt          0.2.0
 - Showoff                       0.1.1
 - SignedDistanceFields          0.2.0
 - SimpleTraits                  0.5.1
 - SpecialFunctions              0.3.4
 - StaticArrays                  0.6.6
 - StatsBase                     0.19.1
 - TexExtensions                 0.1.0
 - TiledIteration                0.1.0
 - URIParser                     0.2.0
 - UnicodeFun                    0.1.0
 - WoodburyMatrices              0.2.2

goretkin avatar Nov 28 '17 21:11 goretkin

Ah yeaaah, sorry about that... I need to fix this somewhere ;) This used to work, until someone half way implemented Float64 support :D

SimonDanisch avatar Nov 28 '17 21:11 SimonDanisch

No worries! If you have an idea about what's going on (and time to explain!), I wouldn't mind knowing about it.

goretkin avatar Nov 28 '17 22:11 goretkin

well, the shader has matrix type hardcoded as Mat4f0(SMatrix{4,4,Float32}), but since Float64 is supported as an element type for GLAbstraction, my automatic conversion code doesn't convert it to Mat4f0 anymore.

SimonDanisch avatar Nov 28 '17 22:11 SimonDanisch