GLVisualize.jl copied to clipboard
Controlling speed of loop rendering
First, that's one great package, I'm having a lot of fun with it! Now, I'm rendering a surface where the color is a function of time (I'm rendering the ground coverage of a constellation of small satellites over time), which works great. However, the animation is "too fast", and I end up with a bunch of pixels blinking really quickly -- is there a way to explicitly slow down how the loop is rendered?
Great to hear :)
Depends a bit on how you structured things!
one way would be like that:
color = Signal(RGBA(0f0, 0f0, 0f0, 1f0)
@async renderloop(window)
while isopen(window)
push!(color, newcolor)
Ah, very true. I essentially have a timesignal, e.g., loop(linspace(something)), and a surface rendered like:
covt = visualize((lon, lat, zeros(lat)),:surface,color=colo, light=light) _view(covt, window, camera=:perspective)
and colo is of the form:
colo = map(gen_col_inst, timesignal)
where gen_col_inst is a function that determines whether or not a given surface element is covered or not.
P.S. Not time critical issue, I have now added enough bells and whistles in the window that the animation is more than slow enough now ;)