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Recovering the input table from a JSONified table

Open JockLawrie opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

Hi there,

I have been using some code for transforming a DataFrame to JSON and back again, with the requirement that the de-JSONified DataFrame is an exact copy of the input DataFrame, eltypes and all. I'd like to make this code public, and see that this package has the same purpose but doesn't preserve types. Can we combine our efforts?

My code is below (...credit where it's due, this was written by Josh Bode).

Cheers, Jock

Given `data::DataFrame`:
- Convert it to JSON:      `x = JSON.json(data)`
- Parse it back out again: `data2 = convert(DataFrame, JSON.parse(x))`
- data2 is element-wise equal to data

# Convert a DataFrame to JSON

JSON.lower(x::Enum) = string(x)
JSON.lower(::Missing) = Vector{Union{Missing,Any}}()
JSON.lower(x::Complex) = [real(x), imag(x)]
JSON.lower(x::Set) = collect(x)

JSON.lower(x::DataFrames.DataFrame) = Dict{String, Vector{Any}}(
    "names" => DataFrames.names(x),
    "types" => DataFrames.eltypes(x),
    "columns" => DataFrames.columns(x)
JSON.lower(x::DataFrames.SubDataFrame) = JSON.lower(x[:])

# Convert data to a DataFrame, where data is parsed from JSON.
# Some data types need an explicit converter
function Base.convert(::Type{T}, x::AbstractString) where {T <: Union{Date, DateTime}}

Base.convert(::Type{Char}, x::AbstractString) = x[1]

function Base.convert(::Type{Set{T}}, x::AbstractVector) where T

function Base.convert(::Type{DataFrame}, x::Dict{String, Any})
    names, types, columns = try
        x["names"], x["types"], x["columns"]
    catch e
        error("Missing data: $(e.key)")
    result = DataFrame()
    for (name, typename, coldata) in zip(names, types, columns)
        T1 = eval(Meta.parse(typename))  # E.g., Union{Missing, Int64}.
        T2 = Missings.T(T1)              # E.g., Int64
        @assert isconcretetype(T2) || T2 === Any "Not a concrete type"
        n = length(coldata)
        colname = Symbol(name)
        result[colname] = Vector{T1}(undef, n)
        for i = 1:n
            val = coldata[i]
            result[i, colname] = val == nothing ? missing : convert(T2, val)

Parsers for custom types can be added. For example, here's one for ZonedDateTime.

using TimeZones

function Base.convert(::Type{TimeZones.ZonedDateTime}, x::AbstractString)
    x, tz = x[1:end-6], x[end-5:end]
    ZonedDateTime(DateTime(x), TimeZones.FixedTimeZone(tz))

JockLawrie avatar Aug 22 '19 02:08 JockLawrie

...and the test code

using Utils.jsontables  # the code above

using DataFrames
using Dates
using JSON
using TimeZones

d  = DataFrame(
               a = [1,2,3,missing],
               b = ['a', missing, 'c', 'd'],
               c = rand(4),
               d = Date.(["2018-10-01", "2018-10-02", "2018-10-03", "2010-10-04"])

d[:zdt] = [ZonedDateTime(DateTime(x), TimeZone("Australia/Melbourne")) for x in d[:d]]

s  = JSON.json(d)
j  = JSON.parse(s)
d2 = convert(DataFrame, j)

@test size(d2)    == size(d)
@test names(d2)   == names(d)
@test eltypes(d2) == eltypes(d)

function cell_values_are_all_equal(d1::DataFrame, d2::DataFrame)
    good = true
    n    = size(d1, 1)
    for colname in names(d1)
        for i = 1:n
            val1 = d1[i, colname]
            val2 = d2[i, colname]
            ismissing(val1)  && ismissing(val2)  && continue
            bad  = (ismissing(val1)  && !ismissing(val2)) || (!ismissing(val1) && ismissing(val2)) || (val1 != val2)
            if bad == true
                good = false
        good == false && break

@test cell_values_are_all_equal(d, d2)

JockLawrie avatar Aug 22 '19 02:08 JockLawrie