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Read and write feather files in pure Julia
Hello, apologies in advance if I'm missing something simple here. I want to write a dataframe to feather using Python and then load it into Julia. When I attempt to...
Here's the error message: ERROR: MethodError: no method matching write(::String, ::DataFrame; append=true) Closest candidates are: write(::AbstractString, ::Any; description, metadata) at C:\Users\mwsoh\.julia\packages\Feather\pbm3o\src\sink.jl:30 got unsupported keyword argument "append" write(::AbstractString; kwargs...) at C:\Users\mwsoh\.julia\packages\Feather\pbm3o\src\sink.jl:10...
I have a `DataFrame` as following: ``` julia> test_data 15×3 DataFrame │ Row │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │ Species │ │ │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Cat… │ ├─────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤ │...
Something like this? It will be quite useful in some cases... `a = DataFrame(f1 = Float32[], f2 = Float32[], f3 = Tuple{Float32, Float32}[]) `
See the slack discussion https://julialang.slack.com/archives/C674VR0HH/p1582304415448000. It would be handy to have, say, `Feather.description` to return the description string. Would it be worthwhile creating a `Feather.File` type, analogous to `CSV.File`, that...
Hello, I found that boolean columns index strangely when they are of type `Arrow.BitPrimitive`. A minimum working error: ```julia y = DataFrame(ok=rand(Bool, 100)) @assert length(y.ok[trues(100)]) == 100 ## true Feather.write("test.feather",...
Saving a DataFrame with Feather causes R to crash when reading the file. I am using Feather 0.5.1 with Julia 1.1. If I create a simple feather file with ```Julia...
**update** Included coded to download This error is not in the Julia 1.1 branch. I just read the Fannie Mae 2016Q1.txt performance file [from here](https://loanperformancedata.fanniemae.com/lppub/index.html)(you need to register to download...
@JuliaRegistrator register()
Feather explictly has a TIMESTAMP type that includes timezone info. it would be useful to map this to the `ZonedDateTime` type in TimeZones.jl