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Feature request: std::partition
Following this slack thread, it would be nice to have an implementation of std::partition.
This is already possible with sort!(data, by=iseven)
is stable, but has a worse performance
using Chairmarks, Plots
function partition!(v::AbstractVector; by)
i, j = firstindex(v), lastindex(v)
@inbounds while true
while !by(v[i]); i += 1; end;
while by(v[j]); j -= 1; end;
i >= j && break
v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i]
i += 1; j -= 1
v # maybe return j?
@time for n in 1:100
x = rand(1:10, n);
# @assert sort!(copy(x), by=iseven) == partition!(copy(x), by=iseven) # (sort! is stable, partition! is not)
@assert iseven.(sort!(copy(x), by=iseven)) == iseven.(partition!(copy(x), by=iseven))
f(n) = (@b n sort!(rand(1:10, _), by=iseven) seconds=.02).time
g(n) = (@b n partition!(rand(1:10, _), by=iseven) seconds=.02).time
x = unique(round.(Int, 2 .* 1.1 .^ (1:150)));
@time y = [f(n) for n in x];
@time z = [g(n) for n in x];
plot(x, 1e9y ./ x, label="sort!", xaxis=:log, ylabel="time per element (ns)", xlabel="length", legend=:topleft, ylims=(0, 35), xticks=10)
plot!(x, 1e9z ./ x, label="partition!", xaxis=:log)
Do either of you have large inputs and care about a 4x performance loss? or want the index where the low values transition to high values? (j
in the benchmark implementation)
Maybe I'll make ScratchQuickSort
faster for inputs with few unique values so that this feature request is unnecessary :P that optimization will help the by
case once merges.
If we do this we could either use
partition!(by, x)
sort!(x; rev, by, ..., alg=Partition)
I don't especially feel the need for this functionality at the moment, but if we do implement it, it should probably be one that returns the cutoff/transition locations (or equivalently the a tuple of views/slices).
Yeah, for now I've basically been using this:
function partition!(f, x)
sort!(x; by=!f)
findfirst(!f, x)
I guess it would make sense to bikeshed the name with Iterators.partition
being something different. Though having this be super performant is not urgent for me, either.
lol, yeah. Iterators.partition
has literally no relation to this.
Stability characteristics are another thing. You can get no stability, one-sided stability, or two-sided stability (though I can't think of any way to get two-sided stability in place and in linear time). We use all three stability characteristics in various places within Base.Sort. std::partition
provides no stability guarantees—is that the semantic you would want for quad trees?
Nice blog post on implementing partition and performance analysis
Some design questions and proposed answers to those questions
Return value
- The input
- Two SubArrays (This)
- Two Vectors (only possible with
and Julia 1.11)
- true first
- false first (consistent with
sort(_; by)
) (This)
- Specify alg arg? (No)
- Specify stability args? (Yes)
- Specify if allocations are allowed? (No)
- What is the default stability? (Stable except for the one-arg version which struggles to be stable with good perforamnce)
- Provide both
(Yes) - Allow
(which, I'm guessing, is fastest and stable) (Yes)
export partition, partition!
public Stable, Unstable, ReverseStable
abstract type Stability end
struct Stable <: Stability end
struct Unstable <: Stability end
struct ReverseStable <: Stability end
partition!(by, v; stability=Unstable; false_stability=stability; true_stability=stability) -> NTuple{2, SubArray}
partition!(by, dest, src; stability=Stable; false_stability=stability; true_stability=stability) -> NTuple{2, SubArray}
partition(by, v; kws...) = partition!(by, similar(v), v; kws...)::NTuple{2, SubArray}
Of which partition
and partition!(by, v; stability=Stable)
would allocate, and partition!(by, dest, src; stability=Unstable)
and partition!(by, dest, src; true_stability=ReverseStable)
would be the fastest with partition!(by, dest, src)
a close second fastest.
I'm certainly open to feedback and other ideas!