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Should SortedSet convert the key in the `in` function?
I have been working with ShortStrings.jl a bit lately.
It seems like it should not be required for in(::ShortString, ::SortedSet(String)
to internally convert the ShortString
to a String
is defined already between those types.
cc @StephenVavasis
Yes, this is a good idea. There is perhaps a larger issue: The sort ordering is built on top of Base.Ordering, but perhaps it is better to build the sort ordering more conveniently for the user on top of Base.<, Base.cmp, etc. I'm not sure cmp was available in 0.3, when I first wrote the code. I (or someone else) should overhaul the sorted-container code anyway to de-emphasize semitokens and emphasize tokens now that tokens are efficient as of 1.5. Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on an overhaul before January.
I think Base.Ordering
is still right.
We overhauled Heaps recently towards using it.
I think it eventually calls cmp
anyway. And optimises away to be as if it calls that directly.
I could be wrong though.
I agree re:semi-tokens.
I don't think there is a huge rush.
We're not likely to complete v0.19 before January on any means.
And my be benchmarking shows that for my data I M looking at today it is faster to use a plain Set
Though that surprises me for ShortStrings