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Factor out exponential decay in weights

Open dlfivefifty opened this issue 6 years ago • 9 comments

Suppose we want to find $$ \int_0^\infty f(x) exp(-x) dx $$ But we are not given $f(x)$, instead, we are given $g(x) exp(-x)$. Now we try Gauss--Laguerre as follows:

x, w= FastGaussQuadrature.gausslaguerre(150)
g = x -> sin(x)*exp(-x)
dot(w, g.(x).*exp.(x)) ≈ 0.5 # true


Uh oh:

x, w= FastGaussQuadrature.gausslaguerre(200)
g = x -> sin(x)*exp(-x)
dot(w, g.(x).*exp.(x))  |> isnan # true

If we had a weightedgausslaguerre that returned w.*exp.(x) instead of w everything would be perfect. I suspect it's just as easy to calculate these weights as standard Gauss–Laguerre.


dlfivefifty avatar Jun 05 '18 15:06 dlfivefifty

This is important for Fun(x -> sin(x)*exp(-x), WeightedLaguerre()).

dlfivefifty avatar Jun 05 '18 15:06 dlfivefifty

This should be extremely easy to adjust in pull request #53 for such large n, as laguerreExp(n,alpha) explicitly multiplies with exp(-x) or more specifically with the weight x^alpha*exp(-x). It would only depend on which syntax would be preferred for this in gausslaguerre.jl. Special thanks to @daanhb for speeding up that code !

popsomer avatar Jun 06 '18 18:06 popsomer

Awesome! I tried to get it working via Golub--Welsch, but it's a lot more complicated than I thought (and not obvious that it's at all possible).

dlfivefifty avatar Jun 06 '18 19:06 dlfivefifty

I came up with a fairly easy workaround use BigFloat with Golub–Welsch, via

using LinearAlgebra

function laguerreGW( n::Integer, alpha )
# Calculate Gauss-Laguerre nodes and weights based on Golub-Welsch

    alph = 2*(1:n) .+ (alpha-1)           # 3-term recurrence coeffs
    beta = sqrt.( (1:n-1).*(alpha .+ (1:n-1) ) )
    T = SymTridiagonal(Vector(alph), beta)  # Jacobi matrix
    x, V = eig( T)                  # eigenvalue decomposition
    w = gamma(alpha+1)*V[1,:].^2     # Quadrature weights
    x, vec(w)


let (x,w) = (Dict{Tuple{Int,BigFloat},Vector{BigFloat}}(), Dict{Tuple{Int,BigFloat},Vector{BigFloat}}())
    global function gl(n, α_in=0)
        α = BigFloat(α_in)
        haskey(x,(n,α)) && return (x[(n,α)], w[(n,α)])
        xx,ww = laguerreGW(n, α)
        x[(n,α)] = xx
        w[(n,α)] = ww

dlfivefifty avatar Jun 11 '18 09:06 dlfivefifty

Neat. I wasn't aware that eig on BigFloat tridiagonal matrices would work, since it doesn't for full matrices.

Modifying the expansions would indeed be simple and, especially for Laguerre, it makes sense to have a way to return the quadrature weights without the weight function in them. We did not deduce many terms in this regime though, since the weights rapidly underflow. The absolute error of the weights in the Airy region is extremely tiny, but the relative error may still be quite significant. We are experimenting with different implementations of the expansions over in PolynomialAsympttotics.jl.

daanhb avatar Jun 11 '18 12:06 daanhb

Both work with the LinearAlgebra.jl package

dlfivefifty avatar Jun 11 '18 12:06 dlfivefifty

Perhaps I'm not using the right version then. I receive a MethodError related to eigfact for a dense BigFloat. It does work for tridiagonal matrices. I'll look into it.

daanhb avatar Jun 11 '18 12:06 daanhb

Oh I didn’t actually check

On second thought it makes sense that it’s not implemented for non-Symmetric matrices since that’s a harder problem

dlfivefifty avatar Jun 11 '18 12:06 dlfivefifty

Still, the fact that it works for tridiagonal matrices is very useful and is good to know of.

daanhb avatar Jun 11 '18 12:06 daanhb