Decision-Making-Under-Uncertainty copied to clipboard
Simple routine example from economics
It would be great if you could use this machinery to solve a simple/routine example of an MDP from economics. See discussion here.
I will copy/paste the example I created.
I tried to simplify my notation to follow the standard MDP notation: state/action/transition/reward/discount
# Parameters for the Neoclassical Growth Model (NGM)
α = 0.65;
f(s;α=α) = (s)^α
a0(s) = f(s)
min_s = eps(); max_s = 2.0; n_s = 100;
min_a = eps(); max_a = a0(max_s); n_a = 100;
states = range(min_s, max_s, length=n_s)
ceil_state(s) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, s)] # for discrete VFI
valid_actions() = range(min_a, max_a, length=n_a) # possible actions any state.
valid_actions(s) = filter(<(a0(s)), valid_actions()) # valid actions @ state=s
μ(s,a) = f(s) - a
r(s,a) = log(a)
β = 0.95
using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP #QuickMDP()
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( ceil_state( μ(s,a) ) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
# DiscreteValueIteration: Both work fast enough
using DiscreteValueIteration
s1 = DiscreteValueIteration.SparseValueIterationSolver()
s2 = DiscreteValueIteration.ValueIterationSolver()
@time sol1 = solve(s1, m)
@time sol2 = solve(s2, m)
value(sol1, states[2]), action(sol1, states[2])
value(sol2, states[2]), action(sol2, states[2])
#rewrite MDP w/o ceil_state() in transition.
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( μ(s,a) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
# LocalApproximationValueIteration works, but currently slow!
using GridInterpolations
using LocalFunctionApproximation
using LocalApproximationValueIteration
grid = GridInterpolations.RectangleGrid(states, valid_actions(), ) #[0.0, 1.0])
interp = LocalFunctionApproximation.LocalGIFunctionApproximator(grid)
s4 = LocalApproximationValueIterationSolver(interp)
@time sol4 = solve(s4, m)
#190.477798 seconds (2.37 G allocations: 82.610 GiB, 6.87% gc time, 0.21% compilation time)
value(sol4, states[2]), action(sol4, states[2])
Now let's compare solutions from various MDP solvers w/ closed-forms:
using Plots
ω = α*β
A1 = α/(1.0-ω)
A0 = ((1-ω)*log(1-ω) + ω*log(ω))/((1-ω)*(1-β))
# Value
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Value Functions");
plot!(states[2:end], i->A0 + A1 * log(i), lab="closed form") # way off
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol1, i), lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol2, i), lab="sol2")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol4, i), lab="sol4")
# Policy
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Policy Functions");
plot!(states[2:end], i -> (1-ω)*(i^α), lab="closed form") # way off
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol1, i), lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol2, i), lab="sol2")
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol4, i), lab="sol4")
# Simulation
Tsim=150; s0=states[2];
simcf = []; push!(simcf, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
a = (1-ω)*(s^α)
sp = μ(s,a)
#sp = ceil_state(sp)
push!(simcf, sp)
s = sp
sim1 = []; push!(sim1, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
#a = valid_actions()[sol1.policy[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]]
a = action(sol1, s)
sp = μ(s,a)
sp = ceil_state(sp)
push!(sim1, sp)
s = sp
sim4 = []; push!(sim4, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
a = action(sol4, s)
sp = μ(s,a)
push!(sim4, sp)
s = sp
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Simulation");
plot!(simcf, lab="closed form")
plot!(sim1, lab="sol1")
plot!(sim4, lab="sol4")
Hey this looks great—I followed the other post you linked. What exactly are you look for us to do here? Create a lecture under this course for this particular problem?
Include this in the examples in the Readme & perhaps in lecture?
You're welcome to put together a notebook with this example and record a lecture, and I could link it in our README. I don't have the bandwidth to do it myself
I'm interested in turning this into a notebook myself, just for the experience. If I manage to do it over the next couple of days, I'll reach out and ask about how you'd like me work on incorporating it (PRs etc).