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Simple routine example from economics

Open azev77 opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

It would be great if you could use this machinery to solve a simple/routine example of an MDP from economics. See discussion here.

I will copy/paste the example I created. I tried to simplify my notation to follow the standard MDP notation: state/action/transition/reward/discount

# Parameters for the Neoclassical Growth Model (NGM)
α = 0.65; 
f(s;α=α) = (s)^α
a0(s)    = f(s)
min_s = eps(); max_s = 2.0; n_s = 100;
min_a = eps(); max_a = a0(max_s); n_a = 100; 

states = range(min_s, max_s, length=n_s)
ceil_state(s) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, s)] # for discrete VFI

valid_actions()  = range(min_a, max_a, length=n_a)        # possible actions any state.
valid_actions(s) = filter(<(a0(s)), valid_actions())      # valid actions @ state=s 

μ(s,a)      = f(s) - a      

r(s,a) = log(a)

β = 0.95

using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP           #QuickMDP()
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
m = QuickMDP(
    states     = states,
    actions    = valid_actions,
    transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( ceil_state( μ(s,a) ) ),
    reward     = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
    discount   = β

# DiscreteValueIteration: Both work fast enough
using DiscreteValueIteration
s1 = DiscreteValueIteration.SparseValueIterationSolver()
s2 = DiscreteValueIteration.ValueIterationSolver()
@time sol1 = solve(s1, m)
@time sol2 = solve(s2, m)
value(sol1, states[2]), action(sol1, states[2])
value(sol2, states[2]), action(sol2, states[2])

#rewrite MDP w/o ceil_state() in transition.
m = QuickMDP(
    states     = states,
    actions    = valid_actions,
    transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( μ(s,a) ),
    reward     = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
    discount   = β

# LocalApproximationValueIteration works, but currently slow!
using GridInterpolations
using LocalFunctionApproximation
using LocalApproximationValueIteration
grid = GridInterpolations.RectangleGrid(states, valid_actions(), ) #[0.0, 1.0]) 
interp = LocalFunctionApproximation.LocalGIFunctionApproximator(grid)
s4 = LocalApproximationValueIterationSolver(interp)
@time sol4 = solve(s4, m)
#190.477798 seconds (2.37 G allocations: 82.610 GiB, 6.87% gc time, 0.21% compilation time)
value(sol4, states[2]), action(sol4, states[2])

Now let's compare solutions from various MDP solvers w/ closed-forms:

using Plots
ω = α*β
A1 = α/(1.0-ω)
A0 = ((1-ω)*log(1-ω) + ω*log(ω))/((1-ω)*(1-β))

# Value
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Value Functions");
plot!(states[2:end], i->A0 + A1 * log(i), lab="closed form") # way off 
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol1, i),   lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol2, i),   lab="sol2")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol4, i),   lab="sol4")
# Policy
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Policy Functions");
plot!(states[2:end], i -> (1-ω)*(i^α), lab="closed form") # way off 
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol1, i),   lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol2, i),   lab="sol2")
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol4, i),   lab="sol4")
# Simulation
Tsim=150; s0=states[2]; 

simcf = []; push!(simcf, s0); 
for tt in 1:Tsim
    tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing 
    a = (1-ω)*(s^α)
    sp = μ(s,a) 
    #sp = ceil_state(sp)
    push!(simcf, sp)
    s = sp

sim1 = []; push!(sim1, s0); 
for tt in 1:Tsim
    tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing 
    #a = valid_actions()[sol1.policy[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]]
    a = action(sol1, s)
    sp = μ(s,a) 
    sp = ceil_state(sp)
    push!(sim1, sp)
    s = sp

sim4 = []; push!(sim4, s0); 
for tt in 1:Tsim
    tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing 
    a = action(sol4, s)
    sp = μ(s,a) 
    push!(sim4, sp)
    s = sp

plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Simulation");
plot!(simcf,   lab="closed form")
plot!(sim1,   lab="sol1")
plot!(sim4,   lab="sol4")

image image image

azev77 avatar Oct 07 '21 22:10 azev77

Hey this looks great—I followed the other post you linked. What exactly are you look for us to do here? Create a lecture under this course for this particular problem?

mossr avatar Oct 08 '21 00:10 mossr

Include this in the examples in the Readme & perhaps in lecture?

azev77 avatar Oct 08 '21 00:10 azev77

You're welcome to put together a notebook with this example and record a lecture, and I could link it in our README. I don't have the bandwidth to do it myself

mossr avatar Oct 09 '21 16:10 mossr

I'm interested in turning this into a notebook myself, just for the experience. If I manage to do it over the next couple of days, I'll reach out and ask about how you'd like me work on incorporating it (PRs etc).

youainti avatar Nov 04 '21 17:11 youainti