imported-template copied to clipboard
"Don't misbehave" error never shows up in Starcounter apps
"Don't misbehave" error never shows up in Starcounter apps, because it shows up only when there are 0 templates in the imported document.
However, in case of a Starcounter app, each app creates its own HTML view that should have a <template>
, so we need to count the number of templates in every IMPORTED-TEMPLATE-SCOPE
Secondly, Starcounter's own htmlmerger inserts two <templates>
by its own (see lines 344 and 367):
For of these two reasons, a wrong response that comes from the server for a request http://localhost:8080/sc/htmlmerger?Products_0=%2FProducts%2FStarcounter.Authorization.Unauthorized.html
<template><template is="declarative-shadow-dom"><style>:host{display:block}</style></template></template>
<imported-template-scope scope="Products_0">404 Page Not Found</imported-template-scope>
<template><template is="declarative-shadow-dom"><slot></slot></template></template>
is not seen as wrong by imported-template
In result, the developer can see an empty screen and does not know what happened: