according to the docs, urlRoot is treated as a path,
anyone seen my message
anyone see my message
Selenium does not work properly if I try to use my own Firefox profile, it ends up navigating to the the directory of my profile in a browser tab. I...
The thing is here if I try to customize the firefox web driver, it ends up navigating to the directory of the custom profile and staying there, you suggest I...
I am trying to update to 84.0 however it seems it been on an infinite loop checking for updates, I used the 80.0.1 installer according to my logs. will try...
[profiles_multiparts_gdrive_reset.zip](https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/files/5730620/profiles_multiparts_gdrive_reset.zip) So from running these tests in 82.0.3,83.0.0,and 84.0.1, the if the default profile is used, we have a 10% sucess rate, if the custom profile is used, selenium fails...
[custom_profile_84_reset_vv_option.zip](https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/files/5734063/custom_profile_84_reset_vv_option.zip) customized driver code ```rb Capybara.register_driver :firefox_profile do |app| desired_caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.firefox options = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options.new :args => [%{-profile=C:\\Users\\oluod\\My_Notebook\\angular\\v10\\GNDC\\CLT-GNDC\\testing\\e2e\\firefox_profile}] profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new %{C:\\Users\\oluod\\My_Notebook\\angular\\v10\\GNDC\\CLT-GNDC\\testing\\e2e\\firefox_profile} options.log_level = %{trace} options.add_argument %{-vv} Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new( app, :browser...
thanks for pointing out I added the vv option to the firefox executable can you give me the exact format however ``` geckodriver.exe -vv ``` On every computer I work...