Results 44 comments of ZP ZHANG

> Hello I was trying to use your ocean model but I think the link does not work. Thank you! Please refer to [here](https://github.com/JudasDie/SOTS).

> I found that in your OTB2013.json file you have ground truth for Tiger1 which is different from the official one. > First of all, it contains 346 lines for...

> 请问是如果是自己通过百度云盘的方式直接下载数据集,并上传到服务器上(即不是通过代码下载),是需要新建data文件夹然后将数据集放进去吗?还需要执行crop操作吗?还是说直接放进指定位置train就可以了? 如您回答,不胜感激 需要先裁剪的,裁剪代码可以参考其他数据集的,不需要改很多,裁剪的主要目的是减小存储空间和加速训练。请参考我们近期最新的算法STARK(ICCV2021),[AutoMatch(ICCV2021)](https://github.com/JudasDie/SOTS),这两个更强的跟踪器。

> Hey, I'm trying to run_video.py on my video and use TRT but get this error. > ~/TracKit$ python tracking/run_video.py --arch OceanTRT --video videos/1.mp4 > ===> init Siamese tensorrt toy...

> I'm trying now but getting another error. > (TracKit):~/TracKit$ python tracking/test_ocean.py --arch OceanTRT --video videos/1.mp4 > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "tracking/test_ocean.py", line 29, in > from...

> I've got this one: > (TracKit):~/TracKit$ python tracking/test_ocean.py --arch OceanTRT --video videos/1.mp4 > OceanTRT( > (features): ResNet50( > (features): ResNet_plus2( > (conv1): Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(2, 2), bias=False)...

> I run in environment "TracKit", I didn't create another one like "OceanOnlineTRT" Does the TRT install follow [here](https://github.com/researchmm/TracKit/blob/master/lib/tutorial/install_trt.md)? Pls check the corresponding version.

> (TracKit) kfour@kfour:~/TensorRT-$ pip install tensorrt- > > Processing ./tensorrt- > tensorrt is already installed with the same version as the provided wheel. Use --force-reinstall to force an installation of...

> I googled else and understood I need to rebuild the engine for my GPU, do you have any ideas how to do it? I've found that: https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/tensorrt/developer-guide/index.html#build_engine_python Have you...

> Hello > > Thanks for your code. > I followed your code and trained ResNet22 on GOT10k. > No modification were done. At the end I got 64.7 on...