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creality nebula camera
Got everything installed and working but I can't get my nebula camera to work. I have tried everything I can think of to make it work. It shows that it is connected, and it sees the camera but can't get video to show. I plug in a different camera, and it works perfect. Any help on this would be great. Thank you
I have this issue as well
Try changing the Camera Url Stream to: http:// your IP address /webcam/?action=stream** and/or the Stream type: to MJPEG Stream
Try changing the Camera Url Stream to: http:///webcam/?action=stream and/or the Stream type: to MJPEG Stream
I have tried all the combos I can, when I try to access via the pad, is says "failed to open"
on fluid, it is just a sliver of the screen.
You are trying to use the system loopback address, which is actually, but I meant use the IP address that the pad is using.
You are trying to use the system loopback address, which is actually, but I meant use the IP address that the pad is using.
Nginx bad gateway 502
What does the [timelapse] stanza look like in moonraker.conf? Also, are you using crowsnest?
What does the [timelapse] stanza look like in moonraker.conf? Also, are you using crowsnest?
[timelapse] output_path: /home/sonic/printer_data/timelapse/ frame_path: /home/sonic/printer_data/frames/ ffmpeg_binary_path: /opt/bin/ffmpeg snapshoturl: http://localhost:8080/?action=snapshot
Yes crowsnest is installed.
Thanks. That all looks right, so I'm out of ideas. Sorry.
Thanks. That all looks right, so I'm out of ideas. Sorry.
That's ok, appreciate your help
@Jpe230 you know of a fix for the Creality Nebula Camera perhaps? Is there something we can do about this? Thanks in advance for your help!
I hope a fix is found soon. What I don't understand is the camera works great on a raspberry pi with the mainsail os on raspberry pi imager.
maybe there is something in the source code that can help us if anyone wants to take a look.
Is the Nebula cam just a run of the mill webcam? If so I can give it a try to see if I can reproduce with a Logitech cam, otherwise I'll have to save up some money to buy one :p
@Jpe230 I have some drivers I found if you want to take a look at them. It is creality 's AI camera. It works on stock Sonic pad, and it works on pi installations of Klipper
@Jpe230 here is drivers I got from another member who worked on creality up their foodchain.
I managed to use the Nebula Camera, all I did was to comment this line:
The file is located at /home/sonic/crowsnest/libs/
FWIW my crownest conf is the following:
log_path: /home/sonic/printer_data/logs/crowsnest.log
log_level: debug # Valid Options are quiet/verbose/debug
delete_log: false # Deletes log on every restart, if set to true
no_proxy: false
[cam 1]
mode: ustreamer # ustreamer - Provides mjpg and snapshots. (All devices)
port: 8080 # HTTP/MJPG Stream/Snapshot Port
device: /dev/video0 # See Log for available ...
resolution: 1280x720 # widthxheight format
max_fps: 30 # If Hardware Supports this it will be forced, otherwise ignored/coerced.
#custom_flags: # You can run the Stream Services with custom flags.
#v4l2ctl: # Add v4l2-ctl parameters to setup your camera, see Log what your cam is capable of.
@Jpe230 as I'm quite new to software and Klipper. How do I get to that file? Do I use terminal (on my Mac)? Or can I reach it from the mainsail frontend of the sonic pad?
I can only see these files in mainsail:
Here is my best way to edit this is use a program like winscp or something like it. Below is the code that I am using for
#### ustreamer library
#### crowsnest - A webcam Service for multiple Cams and Stream Services.
#### Written by Stephan Wendel aka KwadFan <[email protected]>
#### Copyright 2021
#### This File is distributed under GPLv3
# shellcheck enable=require-variable-braces
# Exit upon Errors
set -Ee
run_mjpg() {
local cams
for instance in ${cams} ; do
run_ustreamer "${instance}" &
brokenfocus "${cams}"
run_ustreamer() {
local cam_sec ust_bin dev pt res fps cstm start_param
# shellcheck disable=SC2153
dev="$(get_param "cam ${cam_sec}" device)"
pt="$(get_param "cam ${cam_sec}" port)"
res="$(get_param "cam ${cam_sec}" resolution)"
fps="$(get_param "cam ${cam_sec}" max_fps)"
cstm="$(get_param "cam ${cam_sec}" custom_flags 2> /dev/null)"
noprx="$(get_param "crowsnest" no_proxy 2> /dev/null)"
# construct start parameter
if [[ -n "${noprx}" ]] && [[ "${noprx}" = "true" ]]; then
start_param=( --host -p "${pt}" )
log_msg "INFO: Set to 'no_proxy' mode! Using !"
start_param=( --host -p "${pt}" )
#Raspicam Workaround
if [[ "${dev}" = "$(dev_is_legacy)" ]]; then
start_param+=( -m MJPEG --device-timeout=5 --buffers=3 )
# Add device
start_param+=( -d "${dev}" --device-timeout=2 )
# Use MJPEG Hardware encoder if possible
# if [ "$(detect_mjpeg "${cam_sec}")" = "1" ]; then
# start_param+=( -m MJPEG --encoder=HW )
# fi
# set max framerate
start_param+=( -r "${res}" -f "${fps}" )
# webroot & allow crossdomain requests
start_param+=( --allow-origin=\* --static "${BASE_CN_PATH}/ustreamer-www" )
# Custom Flag Handling (append to defaults)
if [[ -n "${cstm}" ]]; then
start_param+=( "${cstm}" )
# Log start_param
log_msg "Starting ustreamer with Device ${dev} ..."
echo "Parameters: ${start_param[*]}" | \
log_output "ustreamer [cam ${cam_sec}]"
# Start ustreamer
echo "${start_param[*]}" | xargs "${ust_bin}" 2>&1 | \
log_output "ustreamer [cam ${cam_sec}]"
# Should not be seen else failed.
log_msg "ERROR: Start of ustreamer [cam ${cam_sec}] failed!"
@bhast2 Thanks! I'm in. I have copied in your complete file. But still no image. I copied in @Jpe230 his crowsnest.conf.
Can you maybe share your crowsnest.conf? Can you also share you settings of the webcam and on what usb port you have it connected?
Thanks in advance (And of course so far, couldn't have come so far with this without you guys!)!
P.s. I used Cyberduck (if anybody with a Mac is interested.... )
@bhast2 Thanks! I'm in. I have copied in your complete file. But still no image. I copied in @Jpe230 his crowsnest.conf.
Can you maybe share your crowsnest.conf? Can you also share you settings of the webcam and on what usb port you have it connected?
Thanks in advance (And of course so far, couldn't have come so far with this without you guys!)!
P.s. I used Cyberduck (if anybody with a Mac is interested.... )
Have you replaced the file under the path I previously mentioned? If so try rebooting the pad or restart the crownest service.
I don't think that the USB port matters, but I'm connecting the cam to the bottom port at the side of the pad.
If you still have problems please share your crownest logs :)
@Jpe230 as I wasn't sure I installed everything correctly I reinstalled crows nest, and I saw this come by:
Checking if device is a Raspberry Pi ...
Checking if device is a Raspberry Pi ... [FAILED]
This device is not a Raspberry Pi therefore camera-streeamer cannot be installed ...
But I'm going the retry and uncomment line 57 in de file in the libs folder. And copy in your crows nest config. See what happens.
Yup that's expected, the pi uses camera-streamer for its backend service, and apparently it is only compatible with Pis, that why we are falling back to ustreamer ;)
Hahahaha I just wanted to double check! As I'm not that good with software...
@Jpe230 unfortunately did not help. See attached the crows nest log file. Thanks again for taking a look! crowsnest.log
@bhast2 Thanks! I'm in. I have copied in your complete file. But still no image. I copied in @Jpe230 his crowsnest.conf.
Can you maybe share your crowsnest.conf? Can you also share you settings of the webcam and on what usb port you have it connected?
Thanks in advance (And of course so far, couldn't have come so far with this without you guys!)!
P.s. I used Cyberduck (if anybody with a Mac is interested.... )
I didn't change anything in my crowsnest.conf I just commented out those lines in the ustreamer file and it started working
Make sure you have MJPEG STREAM selected. and use the following for your url info
Camera URL Stream /webcam/?action=stream
Camera URL SnapShot /webcam/?action=snapshot
Boom, I got it working!, Thank you gentlemen!
@bhast2 Ok, I reinstalled crowsnest again(this time via the repo instead of via kiauh). Changed only the file. Added a webcam (the correct URL were already filled in by default). But still nothing... well something... a white screen...
@bhast2 Ok, I reinstalled crowsnest again(this time via the repo instead of via kiauh). Changed only the file. Added a webcam (the correct URL were already filled in by default). But still nothing... well something... a white screen...
I installed it thru kiauh. I have the camera plugged into the usb port
@bhast2 Ok, I reinstalled crowsnest again(this time via the repo instead of via kiauh). Changed only the file. Added a webcam (the correct URL were already filled in by default). But still nothing... well something... a white screen... !
Make sure you change the config file also
log_path: /home/sonic/printer_data/logs/crowsnest.log
log_level: debug # Valid Options are quiet/verbose/debug
delete_log: false # Deletes log on every restart, if set to true
no_proxy: false
[cam 1]
mode: ustreamer # ustreamer - Provides mjpg and snapshots. (All devices)
port: 8080 # HTTP/MJPG Stream/Snapshot Port
device: /dev/video0 # See Log for available ...
resolution: 1280x720 # widthxheight format
max_fps: 30 # If Hardware Supports this it will be forced, otherwise ignored/coerced.
#custom_flags: # You can run the Stream Services with custom flags.
#v4l2ctl: # Add v4l2-ctl parameters to setup your camera, see Log what your cam is capable of.