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Open Source, Gatsby theme, mobile and SEO friendly with PWA for building guitar/song books. 🎸 🎀 🎡

GitHub last commit GitHub issues npm

This is an entirely configuration-based Gatsby theme that generates a guitar book website based on a series of Markdown or MDX files. It also exports a series of components that can be used within MDX pages.

  • Features
  • Published Demo Guitar Books
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Options
    • sidebarCategories
    • navConfig
  • Adding songs
  • Component shadowing
  • Components
    • Verse
    • ExpansionPanel
  • Deployment
  • Examples
  • Template


  • Plug and Play
  • Fully customizable
  • Mobile, Tablet and Desktop friendly
  • SEO friendly
  • App works offline, and it can be added to phone/desktop home screen
  • Free storing space for songs
  • Easy to edit songs
  • Editing songs without programming knowledge
  • Integrated with Google Analytic and Ad Sense
  • Lyrics Auto scroll
  • Chords mapping and their preview with how to play them
  • Music Video for every song with just link from YouTube
  • Fully covered search

Published Demo Guitar Books

Module Status Public URL
Polish Songs Netlify Status
English Songs Netlify Status
Shanties Songs Netlify Status

desktop preview

mobile preview     mobile icon preview


If you're using this package, you'll also need to install gatsby and its peer dependencies, react and react-dom. Next, install the theme:

npm install gatsby-theme-guitar-book


yarn add gatsby-theme-guitar-book


You can configure gatsby-theme-guitar-book for use with any set of app using the provided configuration options. You may also use component shadowing to customize elements like the logo or color scheme.

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  pathPrefix: '/english',
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-guitar-book`,
      options: {
        root: __dirname,
        baseDir: 'apps/english',
        subtitle: 'English Songs',
        siteName: 'Guitar Book',
        pageTitle: 'Guitar Book',
        description: 'Track and play best guitar songs for camping',
        githubRepo: 'jozwiaczek/guitar-book',
        menuTitle: 'Songs Types',
        gaTrackingId: 'UA-122299419-2',
        baseUrl: '',
        logoLink: '',
        contentDir: 'content',
        twitterHandle: 'jozwiaczek',
        youtubeUrl: '',
        navConfig: {
          'Polish Songs πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±': {
              url: '',
                'Navigate to guitar book with polish songs'
            'English Songs πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ': {
              url: '',
                'Navigate to guitar book with english songs'
            'Shanties Songs πŸ΄β€': {
              url: '',
                "Navigate to guitar book with shanties"
        sidebarCategories: {
          null: ['index'],
          'George Ezra': [
          'Other Guitar Books': [
            '[Polish πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±](',
            '[Shanties πŸ΄β€]('

Important note: Remember that guitar book must always have at least one .md and mdx file to build successfully.


Option name Type Required Description
root string Yes Must be __dirname
siteName string Yes The main title for the website, used in the <title> element and top left corner of the site
description string Yes The site description for SEO and social (FB, Twitter) tags
sidebarCategories object Yes An object mapping categories to page paths (see sidebarCategories reference)
subtitle string No The page title that gets rendered above the sidebar navigation
pageTitle string No The string to be rendered in the page's <title> tag. If omitted, siteName will be used.
baseDir string No If your Gatsby site does not live in the root of your project directory/git repo, pass the subdirectory name here (english, for example)
contentDir string No The directory where songs content exists (content by default)
githubRepo string No The owner and name of the content repository on GitHub
gaTrackingId string No Your site's Google Analytics tracking ID
adSense string No Your site's Google AdSense tracking ID
baseUrl string No The origin where your website will be hosted (e.g.
twitterHandle string No Your Twitter handle, without the "@"
youtubeUrl string No The URL of your YouTube channel
navConfig object No An object defining the top-left navigation links (see navConfig reference)
checkLinksOptions object No Options accepted by gastby-remark-check-links
ignore array No Files to ignore using anymatch-compatible definition pattern


The sidebarCategories option is an object keyed by category titles. Each entry in the object is an array of page paths. The path should resemble the location of a Markdown/MDX file in the git repository, relative to contentDir, and without the .md extension. Sidebar navigation items that are not a member of a category live under the null key. To add an external link to your sidebar, your can provide a string formatted like a Markdown link.

sidebarCategories: {
  null: ['index'],
  'George Ezra': [
  'Other Guitar Books': [
    '[Polish πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±](',
    '[Shanties πŸ΄β€]('


The navConfig option should be an object keyed by link titles. The values should be objects with description, and url properties. Check out the default theme options for an example of the expected shape of this data.

Adding songs

This theme generates pages based on Markdown or MDX files in the contentDir directory of a repo. Your Markdown/MDX files should contain some frontmatter defining their titles and descriptions. To add new song use Verse component with .mdx file.

title: Hallelujah
description: Jeff Buckley

import { Verse } from 'gatsby-theme-guitar-book';

<Verse text={`
C Am C Am
[Verse 1]
  C                 Am
I heard there was a secret chord
     C                   Am
That David played and it pleased the lord
    F                G               C        G
But you don't really care for music, do you?
        C                  F           G
Well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
    Am                 F
The minor fall and the major lift
    G            E7             Am
The baffled king composing hallelujah
     F           Am          F           C    G   C
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelu-u-u-u-jah ....

Page URLs will be derived from the file paths of your Markdown. You can nest Markdown files within directories to create pages with additional path segments. You can overwrite this default path by adding a slug field to your Markdown frontmatter header.

Component shadowing

You can customize a website using this theme further by taking advantage of component shadowing.

import React from 'react';
import {Helmet} from 'react-helmet';

export default function SEO({title, description, siteName}) {
  return (
      <link rel="icon" href="/path/to/custom-favicon.ico" />
      {/* other SEO tags (OpenGraph, Twitter, etc.) */}


This theme exports React components that you can use in MDX files throughout a documentation website.


This component gives you ability to show the lyrics with mapped preview of chords.

Prop Type Description
text string New lines in lyrics must be split by \n, other way you will get error. All chords should be placed on top of song line to be properly mapped
import { Verse } from 'gatsby-theme-guitar-book';

<Verse text={`
C Am C Am
[Verse 1]
  C                 Am
I heard there was a secret chord
     C                   Am
That David played and it pleased the lord
    F                G               C        G
But you don't really care for music, do you?
        C                  F           G
Well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
    Am                 F
The minor fall and the major lift
    G            E7             Am
The baffled king composing hallelujah
     F           Am          F           C    G   C
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelu-u-u-u-jah ....


An expandable panel of content used to hide complex information or instructions that might be a tangent from the main topic of the content it lives within.

Prop Type Description
children node The content of the panel, usually includes an ExpansionPanelList
title string The title of the panel, visible even when the panel is closed


All apps sites will eventually be deployed into a subdirectory, as configured by the pathPrefix optionβ€”/shanties, for example.


In apps directory you will find my 3 connected guitar-books (english, polish, shanties).


If you want to start with your own guitar check template directory with tutorial how to start.