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Question: Can eip-rs Read UDTs?

Open TheColonel2688 opened this issue 4 months ago • 3 comments

Can eip-rs Read and Write UDTs?

I need a grab a UDT instance from my CompactLogix PLCs, can that be done? And then Mapped to a struct?

Example UDT on PLC

- Type: MyUDT
  - MyDint1 : DINT
  - MyDint2: DINT
  - MyString1 : STRING
  - MyString2 : STRING

Path to an instance on PLC that is in Program1 \Program1.MyUdtInstance1

Rust Type:

struct MyUDT {
    MyDint1: i32,
    MyDint2: i32,
    MyString1 : String
    MyString2 : String

TheColonel2688 avatar Apr 25 '24 15:04 TheColonel2688