Josiah Parry

Results 176 issues of Josiah Parry

`Robj` has a method `is_na()`. It currently behaves similar to `rlang::is_na()` which is in a questioning lifecycle. > `rlang::is_na()` is a scalar predicate and always returns a scalar boolean, TRUE...

I am finding myself doing type checking inside of rust functions that accept a `vctrs_vctr` which is a list of pointers to struct `impl`s. I cannot create a vector of...

I think that being able to use a cycled iterator would be greatly useful particularly for the case where arguments may either be length 1 or a vector. The current...

I had `crate-type = [ "cdylib", "staticlib"]` in my `cargo.toml` file. I was able to build my package locally and all was fine. However, R CMD Check returned `Found no...

When implementing methods for a structs that are made available to R via extendr, the methods cannot contain `Self`. The compiler erros with the following: ```rust Self` is only available...

I found myself generating a tuple of coordinate pairs through a single iterator.[ One solution]( I found to this is to use `unzip()` to separate the iterators. Initially I had...

Setting output to `Vec` is parsed into a raw vector. Iterators where each element is `Vec` can be collected into a List effectively. Relevant

This example sets a column in the object `db` to `1` so that the variable can vary. However it is not used in the subsequent regression. Is this done on...

Semi-working idea ```r library(sfdep) library(tidyverse) guerry |> mutate( nb = st_contiguity(geometry), wt = st_weights(nb) ) |> sf::st_drop_geometry() |> summarise( avg = mean(crime_pers), std_dev = sd(crime_pers), I = list(broom::tidy(global_moran_perm(crimea_pers, nb, wt)))...

great visual