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GeoNames.org geographical data and associated functionality
Geonames Bundle
Provides access to the data exported by geonames.org into [symfony 2][sf2] applications.
What is geonames.org
From the geonames.org website:
The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eight million placenames that are available for download free of charge.
When to use this bundle
Most useful application for this bundle is to normalize the geograhical information stored in your database such as Countries, States and Cities. Thanks to the extensive geonames.org data almost all cities, towns and suburbs are covered worldwide.
Imports the following geonames.org data:
- Countries
- Timezones
- States & Provences
- Cities, Towns, Suburbs, Villages etc.
Provides the following data store implementations:
- Doctrine ORM
Install the bundle using composer:
composer require jjs/geonames-bundle:*
Or add it to your
file directly{ require: { "jjs/geonames-bundle": "*" } }
Add the bundle to your
// AppKernel::registerBundles() $bundles = array( // ... new JJs\Bundle\GeonamesBundle\JJsGeonamesBundle(), // ... );
Install or update database schema
The database schema for he bundle is defined using doctrine migrations. Migration versioning is designed so they can be merged into your application migrations or migrate the schema manually.
Independant versioning
Execute the migrations using the supplied migration configuration
# Run in your project root directory
app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --configuration=vendor/jjs/geonames-bundle/JJs/GeonamesBundle/migrations.xml
Application versioning
This schema management stragegy involves more configuration and management, but comes with the benefit of greater control. It is possible due to mapping between incremental database version and semantic bundle version. It involves 'folding' the geonames schema versioning into your own migrations and managing the migration of your database as a whole.
As yet this versioning strategy is undocumented, please contact me if you're interested in using it and I will write the documentation.
Import the data
Note that importing the data from the remote geonames.org repository involves downloading almost 250 MB data from geonames.org.
The following commands can be used in sequence to load all supported data from the geonames.org export (http://download.geonames.org/export/dump)
Import countries
Loads a list of all countries which are refenced by the other imported data such as timezones and localities.
app/console geonames:load:countries
Import timezones
Loads a list of timezones mapped to countries
app/console geonames:load:timezones
Filter localities
This fork allows you to filter localities that you want to import into your database.
Note This feature is little tested, use it at own risk.
Enable the filter
To use a filter, you have to specify the filter option geonames:load:localities --filter="rule" [countries]
You might use several rules at once geonames:load:localities --filter="rule,rule2" [countries]
Add a filter rule
A filter rule consists of three parts:
- the value name
- the compare function
- the compare value
is used as an delemiter:valuename:compare_func:compare_value
Value name
The value name is used to access a specific variable inside the Locality class.
It is internally converted to call the corresponding get function for that variable (population
would be converted to getPopulation
Only the first character of the value name will be converted to an upper-case letter,
so make sure that you check Import/Locality.php
for the correct spelling of your get-function.
Compare function
At this point you can use following functions:
To check if the value:
... is equal to the compare value (strings and integer) use =
, equal
... is less or equal than the compare value (integer) use <=
... is greater or equal than the compare value (integer) use >=
... contains the compare value (string) use contains
Here are some examples:
# load all localities from germany with a population >= 2000
app/console geonames:load:localities --filter="population:>=:2000" DE
# load all localities with the locality-name "Kiel"
app/console geonames:load:localities --filter="nameUtf8:equals:Kiel"
# load all localities that contain "Test" in the locality-name
app/console geonames:load:localities --filter="nameUtf8:contains:Test"
# load all localities from germany with a population between 42000 and 100000
app/console geonames:load:localities --filter="population:>=:42000,population:<=:100000" DE
Import localities
There are two options for importing the localities - either the whole world at once or batched by countries. Internally the same import mechanism is used and the import process will download a data file for each country and then process the country files individually.
Note the full load process may take several hours to complete and requires a large amount of memory.
# All countries
app/console geonames:load:localities
# Subset of countries (list the desired contries as arguments)
app/console geonames:load:localities US CA
#Using the filter function (all countries)
app/console geonames:load:localities --filter="option:func:value"
#Using the filter function (specific countries, as argument list)
app/console geonames:load:localities --filter="option:func:value" US CA