Josh Rosen
Josh Rosen
The login banner says Spark 0.7.3, even though we're using 0.8 snapshot for AMPCamp 3.
It would be nice if the `copy-data` command had some form of progress indication. This would help to determine whether the transfer is frozen or just slow.
The k-means example has a challenge exercise: > Challenge Exercise: The K-Means implementation uses a groupBy and mapValues to compute the new centers. This can be optimized by using a...
Now that Spark 0.8 has been released, we should update the code examples to import Spark classes from the `org.apache.spark` namespace. We should also link to the final 0.8 docs...
The Big Data Mini Course, updated from the AMP Camp 3 materials, still contains links to the day 1 / day 2 feedback pages. We should update or remove these...
We should send an email to the AMP Camp list to remind users to check their EC2 accounts for (unexpected) running instances. I'm not sure if we want to include...
We may want to provide instructions on lowering Spark's logging verbosity. Logs give an indication of progress (letting users know the job hasn't frozen), but some people have complained that...
There are a few links to docs in ~/pwendell that point to Spark 0.7-snapshot docs. We should update these docs or links for 0.8.
One section of the docs contains a list of the directories that users should expect to see on the AMI. This list is out of date and includes some old...
We should update the "Where to go from here" page to include BlinkDB, MLBase, Mesos,Tachyon, etc. Also, the API reference links point to the `~/pwendell` links; these need to be...