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Cofusing about incremental object detection.
Thank you for your nice paper. But I don't know how to conduct incremental object detection.
- According to the open world setting. When the model labels sufficient unknown classes, the model will forward these unknown classes to humans to identify, right?
- So, between task2 and task3, we need a human to manually add the new classes identified by task2 to the model, right?
- In my understanding, the whole experiment process can be divided into two parts. The first stage is detecting new classes and the second stage is adding new classes to the model, right?
- So, there will be a process of human-computer interaction between two tasks, right?
Sorry, I am new to the field of incremental learning. Just confusing about this. Maybe I missed something in the article.
知道的也可以一起讨论, 就是我不清楚增量环节是怎么做的,task1是voc,这我们都知道;task2是识别多出来的类,那么在task3之前是不是要手动把task2的unknown给标注出来。这个手动标注是怎么做的?所以说整个实验是分成了4个task,在每一个task之间是暂停程序,人为的加标签进去?这么看起来挺繁琐的。