open-elevation copied to clipboard
No such coordinate
Hi i created my own instance according to your guide on a virtual environment(ubuntu 18) but when i request no matter type of it(post,get i tried with curl as well) it gives lat long values and for elevation it says: no such coordinate i just could't figure out what i m missing i install with and without docker but same thing
Similar issue. I got the server to run but it always returns an elevation of 0, no matter what lat,lng is submitted.
Unfortunately i dont have any solution of that
Did you validate that the coordinate works on the open-elevation website?
Did you validate that the coordinate works on the open-elevation website?
if question is for me i no longer need to solution actually. As answer yes i did check coordinates on web api I guess my problem was about installation.
"No such coordinate"
I had exactly this problem myself, and I discovered that the code I was using to produce the JSON containing the lat/long values to be sent to the API/server had surrounded the lat and long values with quotes. These quotes must be removed from the lat/long values in the JSON sent to the API via POST, so that those values are sent as floats, since the API code is apparently unable to convert the string equivalents of the lat/longs to floats. HTH, Rob
Hi. Same thing here. And im not producing the JSON with quotes. I've noticed that the summary.json file is empty. Should it be that way?
Make sure to run docker from the right directory (parent of your data-dir) since the command from the documentation uses relative path to data dir (pwd).
Same here, I downloaded a small area of elevations, if I query any locations I always get elevation: 0, if I move out the tif file from the data dir but I leave the summary.json I get error: No such coordinate. Any clues?
Hi I'm having this same issue atm, any help available?
Hi I'm having this same issue atm, any help available?
I recently had this issue. Upon inquiry found that somehow my summary.json file inside data folder was not generated properly and was empty. so I removed that file and rerun the server again. That fixed my issue. You can check for the same.
Hi I'm having this same issue atm, any help available?
I recently had this issue. Upon inquiry found that somehow my summary.json file inside data folder was not generated properly and was empty. so I removed that file and rerun the server again. That fixed my issue. You can check for the same.
Hello, I use your method. The API can be called, but the elevation returned is always less than 0 {"results": [{"latitude": 28.552535, "longitude": 82.895697, "elevation": 0}]}
I got the "No such coordinate" in the response when the summary.json file was empty in /data folder. This was because the TIF files were created in subfolders in /data for me. After moving them to the /data folder, the summary.json were created successfully but then the elevation data in response were 0.
In the docker container I got the following error message: "Unable to allocate array with shape (28810, 100810) and data type int16"
I tried to change overcommit_memory like this:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
(suggested in this stackoverflow question) but it only resulted that my requests to api runned until timed out without a response.
Any other suggestions to this elevation: 0 problem?
Hi all! Any news on this issue? In the docker container I got the following error message: "Unable to allocate array with shape (66507, 53163) and data type float32"
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I also got "no such coordinate" and I can't understand why, my summary.json file is empty. does someone solved this issue?
If your data/summary.json is emty (or emty array), just remove it, check that .tif files directly in data folder and restart container