FSharp.ChordParser icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FSharp.ChordParser copied to clipboard

Parses and transposes a chord chart.


I created this for my dad to allow him to transpose chords and change lyrics to uppercase (and it was also a great opportunity for me to learn FParsec).


UI created with Avalonia.FuncUI.


let cmp () = Component (fun ctx ->
    let model, dispatch = ctx.useElmish (init, update)
    Grid.create [
        Grid.rowDefinitions "20, *"
        Grid.columnDefinitions "*, 80, *"
        Grid.margin 10
        Grid.children [
            // Row labels
            TextBlock.create [
                TextBlock.text "Input Chord Chart"
                TextBlock.horizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment.Center
                Grid.column 0
            TextBlock.create [
                TextBlock.text "Output Chord Chart"
                TextBlock.horizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment.Center
                Grid.column 2

            // Input Chord Chart
            TextBox.create [
                TextBox.text model.InputChordChart
                TextBox.onTextChanged (fun txt -> dispatch (SetInputChart txt))
                Grid.column 0
                Grid.row 1


CLI created with FSharp.SystemCommandLine

To try it out against the sample txt file (Song.txt), just run the app; it will output "Song ChordParser.txt".
