nvim-ts-context-commentstring copied to clipboard
Vue comment not working properly
Minimal reproducible full config
-- Your configuration here
I found a weird issue. If a vue file contains a empty <style>
block, commenting will not work properly. Like this:
You can see all the comments start with
If I remove the empty <style>
block or write some styles in the block, it will work fine. Like this:
You can see the
block was removed, and the comments in <template>
and <script>
work fine.
When I write some styles in
block, it works also.
Steps to reproduce
See above
Expected behavior
See above
Actual behavior
See above
Additional context
No response
Hey! That's an interesting issue, I tried to reproduce it, but didn't manage to:
I'm using Comment.nvim as my commenting plugin, what are you using?
Could you also add a minimal config where the issue can be reproduced? The example here can be used as a base: https://github.com/JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring/blob/main/utils/minimal_init.lua
Thanks for your reply.
I am not using Comment.nvim. I just use the comment feature which is provided by LazyVim and it uses mini.comment.
This is the document: https://www.lazyvim.org/plugins/coding#minicomment