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MUM : Mix Image Tiles and UnMix Feature Tiles for Semi-Supervised Object Detection (CVPR2022)
This is the Pytorch implementation of our paper :
MUM : Mix Image Tiles and UnMix Feature Tiles for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (CVPR), 2022
Installtion & Setup
We follow the installation precess of Unbiased Teacher official repo (https://github.com/facebookresearch/unbiased-teacher)
Download the code
- For your convenience, we provide the code and model weights in zip
- Linux or macOS with Python ≥ 3.6
- PyTorch ≥ 1.5 and torchvision that matches the PyTorch installation.
Build Detectron2 from Source
- We find the latest(v0.6) package of Detectron2 occur the error with our code.
- Therefore, please install the matched(v0.5) version of Detectron2 as follows:
# get the Detectron2 v0.5 package
wget https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/archive/refs/tags/v0.5.zip
# unzip
unzip v0.5.zip
# install
python -m pip install -e detectron2-0.5
Install other requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Dataset download
Download COCO & VOC dataset
Organize the dataset as following:
└── datasets/
├── coco/
│ ├── train2017/
│ ├── val2017/
│ └── annotations/
│ ├── instances_train2017.json
│ └── instances_val2017.json
├── VOC2007
│ ├── Annotations
│ ├── ImageSets
│ └── JPEGImages
└── VOC2012
├── Annotations
├── ImageSets
└── JPEGImages
- Performance table and Model Weights (weight files are already included in zip file)
Backbone | Protocols | AP50 | AP50:95 | Model Weights |
R50-FPN | COCO-Standard 1% | 40.06 | 21.89 | link |
R50-FPN | COCO-Additional | 63.30 | 42.11 | link |
R50-FPN | VOC07 (VOC12) | 78.94 | 50.22 | link |
R50-FPN | VOC07 (VOC12 / COCO20cls) | 80.45 | 52.31 | link |
Swin | COCO-Standard 0.5% | 34.25 | 16.52 | link |
- Run Evaluation w/ R50 in COCO
python train_net.py \
--eval-only \
--num-gpus 1 \
--config configs/mum_configs/coco.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS weights/<your weight>.pth
- Run Evaluation w/ R50 in VOC
python train_net.py \
--eval-only \
--num-gpus 1 \
--config configs/mum_configs/voc.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS weights/<your weight>.pth
We use 4 GPUs (A6000 or V100 32GB) to achieve the paper results.
- Train the MUM under 1% COCO-supervision (ResNet-50)
python train_net.py \
--num-gpus 4 \
--config configs/mum_configs/coco.yaml \
- Train the MUM under VOC07 as labeled set and VOC12 as unlabeled set
python train_net.py \
--num-gpus 4 \
--config configs/mum_configs/voc.yaml \
- Download ImageNet pretrained weight of swin-t in link
- mv pretrained weight to weights folder
mv swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pth weights/
- Run Evaluation w/ Swin in COCO
python train_net.py \
--eval-only \
--num-gpus 1 \
--config configs/mum_configs/coco_swin.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS weights/<your weight>.pth
- Train under 0.5% COCO-supervision
python train_net.py \
--num-gpus 4 \
--config configs/mum_configs/coco_swin.yaml \
Mix/UnMix code block
Mixing code block
- Generate mix mask
mask = torch.argsort(torch.rand(bs // ng, ng, nt, nt), dim=1).cuda()
img_mask = mask.view(bs // ng, ng, 1, nt, nt)
img_mask = img_mask.repeat_interleave(3, dim=2)
img_mask = img_mask.repeat_interleave(h // nt, dim=3)
img_mask = img_mask.repeat_interleave(w // nt, dim=4)
- Mixing image tiles
img_tiled = images.tensor.view(bs // ng, ng, c, h, w)
img_tiled = torch.gather(img_tiled, dim=1, index=img_mask)
img_tiled = img_tiled.view(bs, c, h, w)
Unmixing code block
- Generate inverse mask to unmix
inv_mask = torch.argsort(mask, dim=1).cuda()
feat_mask = inv_mask.view(bs//ng,ng,1,nt,nt)
feat_mask = feat_mask.repeat_interleave(c,dim=2)
feat_mask = feat_mask.repeat_interleave(h//nt, dim=3)
feat_mask = feat_mask.repeat_interleave(w//nt, dim=4)
- Unmixing feature tiles
feat_tiled = feat.view(bs//ng,ng,c,h,w)
feat_tiled = torch.gather(feat_tiled, dim=1, index=feat_mask)
feat_tiled = feat_tiled.view(bs,c,h,w)
We use Unbiased-teacher official code as our baseline. And also we use Timm repository to implement Swin Transformer easily.