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:snake: LSTM Python library using Cython
Cython LSTM
@author Jonathan Raiman @date 3rd November 2014
See the current implementation on this notebook.
Multi Layer Perceptrons
Backprop over the network
Tanh, Logistic, Softmax, Rectifier, Linear activations
Recurrent Neural Networks (Hidden states only, no memory)
Backprop through time
Draw graph of network using matplotlib (see notebook)
Training using SGD or batch gradient descent
Tensor networks (quadratic form connecting layers)
Key design goals
are to mimic simplicity and practicaly of Pynnet and Cybrain / Pybrain.
Model connections using matrices not explicit connections (to get vector algebra involved)
Construct and run million parameter models for LSTM and RNN type models
Be able to run AdaGrad / RMSprop on gradients easily
Icing on the cake
Support dtype float32, float64 (currently float32), and int32 / int64 for indices
BackProp through structure
Variable input size indices for RNN (so batches of different sequence sizes can be run adjacent to one another -- currently difficult given numpy array size restrictions)
Language Models / Hiearchical Softmax parameters
Have an interface for Theano variables if needed (avoid compilation times and make everything cythonish)