Jonathan Holvey

Results 52 comments of Jonathan Holvey

I've realised the name of the digest header is different in SharePy v2. Please can you try adding the following to the header dictionary in the `__call__` method of `auth/`?...

I've created a branch with that change for you to try. You can find it here

I think you might be misunderstanding the meaning of the 403 response code. It means that, even if you're authenticated, you aren't allowed to access the resource. See To...

'Name or service not known' suggest an issue in DNS resolution for the domain you're using. Are you sure you've typed it correctly, and that you can access it in...

Hi @karimabuseer. I ended up releasing to production without having much input from users, and as a result there are some bugs that have been raised. Perhaps you could try...

@karimabuseer did you get anywhere with your testing in the end?

Please try the SharePy v2 beta that's now available on PyPI. ``` pip install sharepy==2.0.0b1.post2 ```

> The reason my SOAP request to was invalid was because I did not encode the the values in . If you have a character like an ampersand (&)...

The password will not be shown when you type it. This is typical of command line applications. You can type it blind, or pass it in as a parameter: ```python...

Can you try to connect using the following scenarios and post any error messages you get? - A different user account - A username that doesn't exist - An intentionally...