mobilenet_v2_keras copied to clipboard
using the new mobileNet weights.
Hello, I'm really new to machine learning, Keras, and tensorflow. I'm currently looking for an efficient way to retrain a mobileNetV2 with imagenetWeights when I saw your github repo. Sorry If I have a totally newb question here.
I'm currently reading the keras github repo for moblieNetV2 here:
so to use your keras model weights I just put that in a directory AND assigned that at line 106.
what is the difference between the larger file at around 6mb and the one with no the top 5? (smaller mb).
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
oh sorry... reading other docs... so the no_top.h5 file is the one withhout the top layer or final fully connected layer classifying the 1000 categories of imagenet. I will use this so I can re-add a new layer with my own number of classes during retraining correct?
@RadEdje might be handy for you: