IguanaTex icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
IguanaTex copied to clipboard

Seeking help with installation

Open alexboche opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments


I am having difficulty with installation. I tried the manual approach described in the readme.

On mac, when I go into powerpoint, and click on the add on, it says the dylib file is not found. But I think it is where it is supposed to be as I show in the terminal screen shot.

Can you please advise how to address this problem?

Thank you!

Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 8 47 01 AM Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 8 47 36 AM

alexboche avatar Aug 17 '22 13:08 alexboche

Did you get a notification that the dylib was blocked? Take a look in the security settings to see if it appears there. Also, what are the permissions on the dylib?

Jonathan-LeRoux avatar Aug 17 '22 14:08 Jonathan-LeRoux

You could also try the following command, if the dylib didn't appear in the security setting. It has the same effect as unblocking the dylib in the Settings app.

sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/Office365/User\ Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized/libIguanaTexHelper.dylib

tsung-ju avatar Aug 26 '22 04:08 tsung-ju