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Days header sometimes disappear

Open TatsuUkraine opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

I don't know what is a clear way to reproduce it, since it happens time to time on a week view somewhere around Feb 2021.

Describe the bug Days header disappear during the swipe within the Feb 2021

            eventProvider: (interval) {
              return [
                  title: interval.start.toString(),
                  id: interval.start.toString(),
                  start: interval.start.atStartOfDay.add(const Duration(hours: 1)),
                  end: interval.start.atStartOfDay.add(const Duration(hours: 2)),
                  backgroundColor: Colors.red,
                  title: interval.end.toString(),
                  id: interval.end.toString(),
                  start: interval.end.atStartOfDay.add(const Duration(hours: 1)),
                  end: interval.end.atStartOfDay.add(const Duration(hours: 2)),
                  backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
            eventBuilder: (context,  event) => Container(
              color: event.backgroundColor,
            child: MultiDateTimetable<BasicEvent>(),


Don't look at the header) it's actually Feb, not Jun)



  • Package version: 1.0.0-alpha.0

TatsuUkraine avatar Jun 09 '21 16:06 TatsuUkraine

The DatePageView that contains the DateHeader widgets internally stores the heights of its inner widgets in order to shrink-wrap to their heights. I'd guess that either the widgets temporarily report a height of zero for some reason, or that entries are removed from the internal cache too eagerly. But so far, I have no clue why either of them could occur and have not been able to reproduce this issue myself either.

JonasWanke avatar Jun 09 '21 16:06 JonasWanke

Yeah, I don't have a clear reproduction steps either. But it happens on real device in profile mode and on emulator in debug mode. Strange thing also that it happens also on a different weeks. First time I noticed it it was on last week of Feb, after some time it started to appear on one week before etc

TatsuUkraine avatar Jun 09 '21 16:06 TatsuUkraine

Also in some cases it headers was hiding during the scroll and then appear when scroll ends, and sometimes header was hidden permanently on following 2 weeks etc. So quite strange behavior

TatsuUkraine avatar Jun 09 '21 16:06 TatsuUkraine


TatsuUkraine avatar Jun 09 '21 16:06 TatsuUkraine

can't reproduce it anymore

TatsuUkraine avatar Sep 06 '22 08:09 TatsuUkraine