UBIKSolver copied to clipboard
Upper Body IK is an implementation inspired by Mathias Parger's Master thesis.
every time i try to compile the plugin from source for ue 5.0.3 it says that "`GetSkinnedAsset`: is not a member of `USkeletalMeshComponent`" i see this being referenced in https://github.com/JonasMolgaard/UBIKSolver/issues/8...
In the first set of code, UpperArmsDistance appears to be the distance from the shoulder center to the distinct shoulder: https://github.com/JonasMolgaard/UBIKSolver/blob/acc72b60b03ea22c44aaa474e01c26653f156331/Source/UBIKRuntime/Private/UBIK.cpp#L11 But in the distinct shoulder rotation solver, there is...
While determining if the shoulder should be rotated back towards the hand, 0.08 is the distanceRatioThreshold. To create an area about 0 which has no rotation, within the range [-0.08,...
I have a SkeletalMesh from the POLYGON Samurai package, which does not use the default UE4 mannequin skeleton. Is it possible to make it work with retargeting or something else?
When I use it with the OpenXR plugins it works perfectly but when I activate the Meta XR plugin I can't use my project