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Powerful and easy to use Objective-C swizzling API.
© 2013-2014 Jonas Gessner
An easy to use Objective-C API for swizzling class and instance methods, as well as swizzling instance methods on specific instances only.
Add this to your Podfile
pod 'JGMethodSwizzler', '2.0.1'
Add source Files:
1. Add the `JGMethodSwizzler` folder to your Xcode Project.
2. `#import "JGMethodSwizzler.h"`.
#####For further examples see the JGMethodSwizzlerTests
Xcode project.
JGMethodSwizzler can be used for three basic swizzling types: Swizzling a specific method for all instances of a class, swizzling class methods and swizzling instance methods of specific instances only.
JGMethodSwizzler is completely thread safe and can handle multiple swizzles. Instance-specific swizzling should however not be combined with global swizzling in the same method.
###Swizzling a class method:
Swizzling the method +(int)[TestClass test:(int)]
[TestClass swizzleClassMethod:@selector(test:) withReplacement:JGMethodReplacementProviderBlock {
//return a replacement block
return JGMethodReplacement(int, const Class *, int arg) {
//get the original value
int orig = JGOriginalImplementation(int, arg);
//return the modified value
return orig+2;
After this code is run, calling the method will return the modified value until the method is deswizzled.
###Swizzling an instance method across all instances of a class:
Swizzling the method -(int)[TestClass test:(int)]
[TestClass swizzleInstanceMethod:@selector(test:) withReplacement:JGMethodReplacementProviderBlock {
//return a replacement block
return JGMethodReplacement(int, TestClass *, int arg) {
//get the original value
int orig = JGOriginalImplementation(int, arg);
//return the modified value
return orig+2;
After this code is run, calling the method will return the modified value until the method is deswizzled.
###Swizzling an instance method for a specific instance:
Swizzling the description
method on a specific NSObject
NSObject *object = [NSObject new];
[object swizzleMethod:@selector(description) withReplacement:JGMethodReplacementProviderBlock {
return JGMethodReplacement(NSString *, NSObject *) {
NSString *orig = JGOriginalImplementation(NSString *);
return [orig stringByAppendingString:@" Swizzled!!"];
After this code is run, calling the method will return the modified value until the method is deswizzled.
All swizzles can be removed once they've been applied.
removes all swizzles.
####Deswizzling global class and instance swizzles
removes all swizzles that have been applied as global swizzles (not instance specific).
deswizzles a specific class method.
deswizzles a specific instance method.
deswizzles all swizzled class methods of this class.
deswizzles all swizzled instance methods of this class.
deswizzles all swizzled methods of this class.
####Deswizzling Instance specific swizzles
removes all swizzles that have been applied as instance specific swizzles.
deswizzles a specific instance method of this instance.
deswizzles all swizzled instance methods of this instance.
works with both ARC and MRC/MRR.
Created by Jonas Gessner. ©2013-2014
Thanks to Andrew Richardson for his inspiration and contribution with InstanceHook
Licensed under the MIT license.