Jon Wallsten

Results 56 comments of Jon Wallsten

So I checked out ProcessMonitor what Node was doing when building to try to find out what might be the issue. One reoccurring pattern that caught my attention was this:...

Profile from my run: ``` Statistical profiling result from isolate-0000019E2A56AFF0-v8.log, (132427 ticks, 5131 unaccounted, 0 excluded). [Shared libraries]: ticks total nonlib name 41412 31.3% C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe 3620 2.7% C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll 46...

Not sure if I have the entirely same issue. I use `"declaration": true` to generate typings and then bundle them with dts-bundle like @rcollette. But I'm not getting updated definition...

I will see what I can do. However I don't know python. So it will probably take a while.

It's not just PowerShell params. Everything you type following a dash will be invisible. Edit: Hyper probably did something so parameters now uses "lightBlack" instead of "foregroundColor" from colors.

I can here to propose a callback instead of custom event as you mentioned in second comment. I need to play a sound when user shakes, but it's not possible...

I was about to write an issue for the exact same bug. The issue might be here: ![image]( or here: ![image]( Windows apparently doesn't like when you have `D:\` in...

The issue is that Webpack is just joining to paths without checking if it's valid: This is not the fault of `karma-webpack`.

Opened a new issue for Webpack:

Something to think about though: If source files are located on the 'D:\' drive, maybe the temp folder should be too. Because fixing the path issue in Webpack is only...