Jonas B.

Results 21 comments of Jonas B.

> This must be wildly out of date now, I'd like to complete it at some point, however it may be a short while before I get the time. I'm...

What do you think @just-the-benno ?

> > I am not too sure what this PR is about? Can you please explain further? Can you also add a testcase please? > > When I use mudtabs,...

Tabs are not meant to be used with a for loop. Use MudDynamicTabs for it instead

Todos for 100% RTL support in addition to - [x] `Donut Chart`: Start/End options for `LegendPosition` - [x] `MudMenu`: Start/End options for `Direction` - [x] `MudMenu`: Start/End options for...

We are working on a color picker right now: ![picker]( We are not entirely sure how color pickers should look like in RTL: ![picker_rtl_slider]( I think everything is correct except...

> > > You can add to the list, the Banner component for the RTL addition (from this [PR]( With the help of @JonBunator. This list: ? It's just...

> > > The Banner component didn't had already RTL by design. It was added. Like the _MudRadio: add left/right options for Placement (#92)_, I imagine. No, you added the...

We will probably offer a theme that can be applied to use Material 3. But Material 3 is still not done. There are only guidelines for a few components out....

I myself don't have too much time lately. And if no one else is willing to do the changes, yes we will stick to material 2. But imo we shouldn't...