Jonas Damtoft
Jonas Damtoft
Object spread and rest syntax is a good point! That at least makes the bundled code smaller in size, so arguably better. Promises and async generators do not really matter...
I think the README may need to have an update, to remove the reference to what node version is required.
If you install `typed-screeps`, then it wont be in `typeRoots` by default, so you would have to explicitly import the types using `import 'typed-screeps'`, maybe that works?
Can we close this?
Yes, jeg får faktisk 3 adresser... `Gammel Foovej 7` `Foovej 101, st. 7b` Og `Foovej 7`, som er min adresse.. Har prøvet om jeg kunne snyde og smide `"&id=...", men...
> Urgh, det var da frustrende. Jeg går udfra at alle vejene ligger i samme postnummer? Yes.
Are features completely decoupled from other features? Because if they are, then either structure makes sense. If they are not, then I think it makes sense to have feature folders...
Aren't you pretty much just wanting [nix]( at this point?
Works fine for me 🤔
I did a pretty basic integration here. This will override your terminals background and foreground, using escape codes. Some are taken from the ``, the colors 0-15 was input as...