sm-ext-socket icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sm-ext-socket copied to clipboard

This extension provides networking functionality for SourceMod scripts.

SourceMod Socket Extension

This has been forked from sfPlayer's origin Git repository. Get to the AlliedModders forum thread for more information.

Building with AMBuild



  1. Configure Boost.
    • Download the release archive from the site and extract the archive to a location ${BOOST_PATH}. Set that location as your working directory.
    • Run the bootstrap script for your platform to build b2. Pass --with-toolset with either msvc, gcc, or clang depending on what compiler you plan on building with.
    • Invoke b2 define=BOOST_TYPE_INDEX_FORCE_NO_RTTI_COMPATIBILITY address-model=32 runtime-link=static link=static --build-dir=build/x86 --stagedir=stage/x86 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-regex to build the required libraries in mixed RTTI mode (boost will use RTTI, the extension will not). The configuration should build fully static x86 libraries on both Withdows and Linux, with versioned filenames on the former and system names on the latter (which allows us to use -lboost_* without additional extensions when setting up the link flags on ambuild).
      • If an existing build is present with a different configuration, use -a to force rebuilding the libraries.
  2. cd build/ and run ../ --sm-path ${SM_PATH} --boost-path ${BOOST_PATH}
    • example: python ../ --sm-path "G:/Documents/SMBuild/sourcemod" --boost-path "G:/Documents/CPPLibs/boost_1_71_0/" --enable-optimize 1
  3. ambuild as normal.