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🍄🐷Truffle contract artifact loading tool for local development
There are errors coming from `pty.js` when installing on newer versions of node. We can either find out what we're missing and make changes, or take a look at the...
Trufflepig should complain when the keyfile(s) specified with either `--ganacheKeyFile` or `--keystoreDir` don't exist. Also amend the readme so that it says that one should specify the actual path to...
As I've noted in the global teardown file of the `colonyDapp` integration tests, I've ran into an issue where the whole process doesn't exit cleanly: I have to hard...
Getting e.g. `http://localhost:3030/contracts?name=AContractThatDoesNotExists` returns simply `{}`, which is misleading. Perhaps we could return a different response?
## Version 10 of Node.js (code name Dubnium) has been released! 🎊 To see what happens to your code in Node.js 10, Greenkeeper has created a branch with the following...