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Running MapR on DCOS
Running MapR on DCOS
This repo allows a (non-standard DCOS) install of MapR running in Docker on a DCOS cluster.
This assumes some things about your cluster
- DCOS is running and properly configured
- The nodes with the MapR Fileservers will be run have some attached storage (MapR prefers unformatted, direct attached disks. These will be dedicated to MapR on the nodes)
- The nodes have a couple of local users configured
- zetaadm - UID 2500 (the UID can be changed, it just has to be the same on all nodes)
- mapr - UID 2000 (the UID can be changed, it just has to be the same on all nodes)
- There is script included here that will install the users for you (It adds them to the sudoers group and also updates a SSH key for zetaadm user) (
- Docker is installed on all node (This should be done as prereq for the DCOS install)
- For this, we recommend making your life easier by setting up some insecure registries upfront. We want to get a cert store going, however at this time, we only have insecure registries.
- To do this: on each node, create a file at for docker systemd overrides (this can be done prior to installing Docker):
- $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d && sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf
- In that file it it should read:
ExecStart=/user/bin/docker daemon --storage-driver=overlay --insecure-registry=maprdocker-mapr-shared.marathon.slave.mesos:5000 --insecure-registry=dockerregv2-shared.marathon.slave.mesos:5005 -h fd://
- I did this on a non-standard Ubuntu 16.04 install of DCOS. Everything worked, but this is not supported by Mesosphere at this time.
- The only thing I updated was a systemd conf file - systemd - edit /etc/systemd/system.conf - set DefaultTasksMax=infinity
- and updated some links prior to DCOS install: Use Ubuntu at your own risk, however I found CentOS/RH annoying trying to use Overlay FS in Docker
- Ubuntu Fixes:
- sudo ln -s /bin/mkdir /usr/bin/mkdir
- sudo ln -s /bin/ln /usr/bin/ln
- sudo ln -s /bin/tar /usr/bin/tar
- In addition to the changes for Ubuntu above, I added a few packages to every node/master. This was in order to help this mapr install
- sudo apt-get install bc nfs-common syslinux
Current Issues:
- This is untested. More work needs to be done to ensure production load capabilities
- MapR does some work to ulimits and other system settings. We need feedback to ensure optimal performance
- Runnnig a mapr-client on the physical node where the server container is running doesn't work. Some odd bugs right now I am tracking down.
- This means the mapr-fuse client won't work as it relies on the mapr-client. use loopback-nfs instead, that is working on all nodes
- ??? Please report new ones to issues!
Install Steps
Create Users
MapR and this install needs some users created on all nodes. I recommend installing these users on all nodes, including masters. Use the script
Note there is another repo that does this step as well. That's why the script is labeled 0_ ... you MAY NOT NEED IT
If you use this, or you manually do the steps in script 0, just skip it
Some Notes:
- The script will take a list of nodes and will ask for the password for mapr and zetaaadm and then sync passwords
- The user the script runs as MUST have ssh and sudo permissions on all nodes
- It will create (if one doesn't exist) a ssh key for use on the nodes
- If ran after initial creation it can be used to sync passwords.
*NOTE: We store the user credentials in plain text in a file at /home/zetaadm/creds/ - We do lock down this directory but be aware - We can discuss options more in an ISSUE
Cluster Conf (cluster.conf)
This is where the initial configuration of your cluster comes from. It is created by running through the script: Some Notes:
- Right now the IUSER is hardcoded to by zetaadm. This is on purpose. If you think you know what you are doing, and want to take a risk, you can change it yourself.
- There is a manual step we could improve on. We have to include the docker registry for bootstrap in the docker daemon startup. It's specified in the script.
- More Docs are needed on this, but I tried to include in the script and comments.
Install Docker Registry
I like to run my docker registry ON MapRFS, however, there is no MapRFS when I am installing MapR, thus I create a "bootstrap" Docker Registry to host the MapR Docker images" This is done in Some Notes:
- This will only have local storage
- We need (todo) to move images from local boot strap to cluster wide registry
- This will be run as mapr/maprdocker
Build Zookeeper Image
There are two docker images that need to be built. The first is the Zookeeper image. This is done in Some Notes:
- This should be pretty basic
- It will pull ubuntu:latest prior (if you don't have this)
- This docker build does display the credentials for the mapr user and zetaadm user. I will work on an issue to discuss the best way to handle this
Run Zookeeper
Once built, the Zookeepers will be started. This happens here: Some Notes:
- As will all things, each individual ZK will be given it's own marathon application. For ZK it will be under mapr/zks/. The instance will be both unique and tied to a host so you can't scale beyond one instance
- Local storage will be used for zkdata and logs. This will be in the MAPR_INST variable. Since we want things to run on the same node, this works well
- We should look at moving the conf directory to be local storage. It will make updating the conf easier down the line (add todo)
Build MapR Docker Image
We need to build the mapr docker image. This is done in Some Notes:
- This is a large image. (2.15 GB) We may try to make this smaller, but it shoudn't matter much.
Run MapR Docker
Where the cluster gets built. to read conf and then run on each node Some Notes:
- Will base install the nodes in inodes in the conf.
- You can add more ndoes with the script
- Will show the disk for each node, you need to confirm or change.
- Local storage is used on each node for logs, conf, and roles
- Each instance will get it's own marathon app under mapr/cldbs or mapr/stdnodes
- You will need to license your own mapr follow the links to do so.
Fuse Client Install/Uninstall and to add or remove a fuse_client. Some Notes:
- It will mount at /mapr/$CLUSTERNAME
- It's licensed, only 10 are allowed with base M3 license
- Ask your mapr Rep for more license if needed
- Will not work with physical nodes that are hosting docker containers. Working on that bug. Use loopback nfs instead.
Loopback-nfs Client Install/Uninstall and will add or remove a loopback nfs client.
- It will mount at /mapr/$CLUSTERNAME
- It's licensed, only 10 are allowed with base M3 license
- Ask your mapr Rep for more license if needed and
These scripts remove the local storage to start from scratch. Some Notes:
- Does stop and destroy the app in marathon as well.
- If it fails try the fully qualified name (it has to be what ever is in the cldb, zk, initial node string)