dotfiles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dotfiles copied to clipboard

Linux dotfiles


This "project" contains the Linux dotfiles that I used on all of my systems. I mainly keep them on here for my own personal storage and use. However if you find them useful or like a part of them, feel free to fork them and make them your own. This is a work-in-progress for me and will grow and get better over time.


For quick easy installation, you can run either a python or ruby script, depending what you have available on your system. Note that running the interall will overwrite any existing dot-files that conflict with what is included in this project.





This will copy all of the files and directories starting with '.' from the folder into your $HOME directory (except for the .git dir).

Creative Commons License
Dotfiles by John Murray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at