WebbCompare icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WebbCompare copied to clipboard

can't find 1 of the cookie name

Open lumos675 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

lumos675 avatar May 07 '22 10:05 lumos675

there is no s_v_web_id cookie

lumos675 avatar May 07 '22 10:05 lumos675

Hey, theres different method to get the cookie, follow this link, complete the captcha and you'll see the cookie there https://sf16-scmcdn-va.ibytedtos.com/goofy/secsdk-captcha/va/2.15.21/index.html

sam1e-dev avatar May 07 '22 20:05 sam1e-dev

Hey, I think you need to login by phone number or email to get that. i guess you logged in using QR code

wayfarer2 avatar Sep 15 '22 14:09 wayfarer2