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Add support for responsive layouts with margin-based gutters and calc()
Now that Microsoft has dropped support for IE8 and earlier, the support for CSS' calc() looks pretty good.
This means we could theoretically add support for responsive layouts with margin-based gutters.
The math will be tricky.
grid-width = (num-columns * column-width) + ((num-columns - 1) * gutter-width) And solving for column-width: column-width = calc( grid-width/num-columns - gutter-width * (num-columns - 1) / num-columns )
And it just gets ickier from there.
item-width = (span-columns * column-width) + ((span-columns - 1) * gutter-width)
item-width = (span-columns * ( grid-width/num-columns - gutter-width * (num-columns - 1) / num-columns )) + ((span-columns - 1) * gutter-width)
item-width = (span-columns * grid-width/num-columns) - (span-columns * gutter-width * (num-columns - 1) / num-columns )) + (((span-columns - 1) * gutter-width * num-columns) / num-columns)
item-width = (span-columns/num-columns) * grid-width - gutter-width * ((span-columns * (num-columns - 1)) + ((span-columns - 1) * num-columns)) / num-columns
item-position = (position - 1) * (column-width + gutter-width)
Yeah, I'm not doing that last one now.