RusherHackCrack copied to clipboard
Amazing Crack!
SO, I, v1_2. Saw a montage. And in that... top... left... corner, i see... rusherhack... 1.2.3. And holy shit, I wanted in. SO, I looked up and found out that the client was NOT FREE. It was for $20... And I was a poor boy back then. SO I looked up in that sexy Google Search Bar... Rusherhack 1.2.3 crack. AND I FIND... this amazing crack, BY THE ACTUAL DEV. WHAT A FOOL HE POSTED HIS OWN CLIENT, SO I downloaded that bitch and dragged it into my mods folder... and pressed run Minecraft Forge 1.12.2.... AND WHAT I SAW.... was amazing. The GUI is so amazing. RUN THE CrACK RIGHT NOW. (actually buy the client stoopid.)