SWRevealViewController copied to clipboard
A UIViewController subclass for presenting side view controllers inspired on the FaceBook and Wunderlist apps, done right !
While adding segue and getting back to the tabbar controller its properties reveal and tabbar are missing .
Hi I have a `ChatLogVC` as the main VC of the app, it has a SWRevealController as a side menu. Currently, we don't cache the data of the inside of...
I used a SWRevealViewController with front and rear and it works great. Now I need to switch between front view controller based on login condition(I need to show admin and...
Now you can use a panGestureRecognizer for rightViewController. You also have an overlay for interaction to be blocked in the frontView (shouldUseFrontViewOverlay = true) in case the user toggles or...
Hi, I want to achieve a gradual visual effect of a dark screen on the front view when sidemenu is shown. Doing my coding in swift 3.0. Any suggestions? Thanks
I have 1 total of 4 VC(ViewControllers) in my project, for example VC1(homeViewController), VC2(MenuViewControllers), VC3, VC4. When I click Menu button from VC1 then VC2 shows after I am choose...
When I use Segue for Navigating Menu Button not works, for example In HomeViewController(VC1) at first time I open menu via menu button then choose HomeViewController option from menu so...
I have a problem, when i go pushnavigation, button can't show my code like this when i call next VC `ViewMainMenu *frontViewController = [[ViewMainMenu alloc] init]; ViewSideMenuNew *rearViewController = [[ViewSideMenuNew...
Hi, I have face the Issue like, If I navigate from Menu to viewcontroller1 then back to homeviewcontroller then I go to Menu and navigate to viewcontroller2 here I drag...
If I will tap on menu button It's working fine but If I will open by swipe then my status bar is hiding and view is getting up of 20...