@xmyqsh Hi, you mentioned that the logic of choosing the feature map for ROI can be implemented either in proposal_target_layer or in roi_pooling_layer. And I implemented this algorithm in roi...
@xmyqsh Thank you very much! May I ask you about your training results? I modified the roi_pooling_layer by choosing the feature map (P2/P3/P4/P5) before roi pooling operate, and the rest...
@xmyqsh OK. Thank you for answering me!
@iamZe 您好!我现在也在用casia数据集并使用softmaxloss进行训练,可是loss一直在8.x,并且没有下降趋势,我用的是vgg16,accuracy也才0.00x。请问您的prototxt是什么样的,以及学习率如何设置呢?我的proto分类有10572类,学习率0.01和0.001都试过,也不好。。。
@IrvingShu 没有。。 不过你的loss确实有点小,你用softmax预训练过了吗