Johannes Buchner

Results 227 comments of Johannes Buchner

I see. What is the latest model version known to work? I guess the instructions to follow are

oh excellent. I usually use the conda install. I think relxill combined with BXA could be a very good combination to fit effectively.

This should be labeled `enhancement` and `linter`.

Ok, for me it was the former. I was under the impression that in george one could modify the diagonal a bit faster with

Hmm, ok. I only have one instrument.

do all your spectra have fewer counts than `mincts`?

Toy algorithm that I just happened to make: ``` features_to_handle = list(range(len(features))) features_ordered = [] last_feature = 0 while features_to_handle: invdists = 1. / (visualizer.ranks_[last_feature,features_to_handle]**2 + 1e-5) invdists /= invdists.sum()...

Sorry, somehow I missed your ping. I was under the impression that licences like GPL apply per project, while licenses like BSD and MIT have to be copied into each...

Oh, I was thinking more of adding a copyright header to the file. Didn't think of the git commit (and don't care too much about it).