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Device Request - Dimmable led strip driver - "_TZ3210_invesber" / "TS0502B"

Open Eastmasters opened this issue 10 months ago • 0 comments


  • Before requesting a device addition, please ensure there is not already a request for the device among the open issues.
  • Make sure your Homey is upgraded to firmware v5 or higher.
  • You need a physical example of the device.

Device Information

  • Device Name: Dimmable led strip driver
  • Device Model: "TS0502B"
  • Device Description: LED strip driver
  • Link to device image:

Device Interview

"ids": { "modelId": "TS0502B", "manufacturerName": "_TZ3210_invesber" }, "endpoints": { "ieeeAddress": "34:25:b4:ff:fe:e7:81:72", "networkAddress": 28532, "modelId": "TS0502B", "manufacturerName": "_TZ3210_invesber", "endpointDescriptors": [ { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 28532, "_reserved": 30, "endpointId": 1, "applicationProfileId": 260, "applicationDeviceId": 268, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 1, "inputClusters": [ 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4096, 8, 768, 61184 ], "outputClusters": [ 25, 10 ] }, { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 28532, "_reserved": 10, "endpointId": 242, "applicationProfileId": 41440, "applicationDeviceId": 97, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 0, "inputClusters": [], "outputClusters": [ 33 ] } ], "deviceType": "router", "receiveWhenIdle": true, "capabilities": { "alternatePANCoordinator": false, "deviceType": true, "powerSourceMains": true, "receiveWhenIdle": true, "security": false, "allocateAddress": true }, "extendedEndpointDescriptors": { "1": { "clusters": { "basic": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "zclVersion", "value": 3, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "name": "appVersion", "value": 101, "reportingConfiguration": { "direction": "reported", "attributeDataType": 32, "minInterval": 1, "maxInterval": 150, "minChange": 0, "status": "SUCCESS" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "name": "stackVersion", "value": 0, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 3, "name": "hwVersion", "value": 1, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 4, "name": "manufacturerName", "value": "_TZ3210_invesber", "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 5, "name": "modelId", "value": "TS0502B", "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 6, "name": "dateCode", "value": "", "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 7, "name": "powerSource", "value": "mains", "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 65502, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65534, "name": "attributeReportingStatus", "value": "PENDING", "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65504, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65505, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65506, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65507, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ], "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND", "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND" }, "identify": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "identifyTime", "value": 0, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 1, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ], "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND", "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND" }, "groups": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "nameSupport", "value": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 0 ] }, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ], "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND", "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND" }, "scenes": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { 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"reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 16394, "name": "colorCapabilities", "value": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 16, 0 ] }, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 16395, "name": "colorTempPhysicalMinMireds", "value": 153, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 16396, "name": "colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds", "value": 500, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 16397, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 16400, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ], "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND", "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND" } }, "bindings": { "ota": {}, "time": { "attributes": [], "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND", "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND" } } }, "242": { "clusters": {}, "bindings": {} } } }

Additional Comments:

I bought this in China, no aliexpress link available. I've connected this LED driver to a 2700k led light. No ambient control. The driver is capable of ambient control. I've already adjusted the drivers, pull request will be made as well.

How to interview a device

  • Add the device as a generic Zigbee device in Homey
  • Navigate to
  • Interview the device, the button for this is to the right of the device in the list of Zigbee units.
  • Click the copy button/icon to capture the device information.
  • Paste the copied information above.

Note: To be able to add more devices to the Tuya Zigbee app, we rely on community members like you to provide interviews of the devices you want to be added. Thank you for your contribution! driver.compose.json icon

Eastmasters avatar Apr 04 '24 19:04 Eastmasters