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Device Request - [Smart Siren NEO] - [_TZE204_t1blo2bj] / [TS0601]
I got a new device : a siren suitable for tuya smart life. Manufacturer ID : _TZE204_t1blo2bj Product ID : TS0601
I tried to pair it with tha app Zigbee Tuya, it was successful but Homey said : no app available. So the device is known as 'device Zigbee' ns I am not able to access any parameter ...
You will find the requested info hereafter
"modelId": "TS0601",
"manufacturerName": "_TZE204_t1blo2bj"
Device Description: [The device is a siren]
Link to device image:
Device Interview:
"ids": { "modelId": "TS0601", "manufacturerName": "_TZE204_t1blo2bj" }, "endpoints": { "ieeeAddress": "a4:c1:38:da:7f:21:07:75", "networkAddress": 29815, "modelId": "TS0601", "manufacturerName": "_TZE204_t1blo2bj", "endpointDescriptors": [ { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 29815, "_reserved": 20, "endpointId": 1, "applicationProfileId": 260, "applicationDeviceId": 81, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 1, "inputClusters": [ 4, 5, 61184, 0 ], "outputClusters": [ 25, 10 ] }, { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 29815, "_reserved": 10, "endpointId": 242, "applicationProfileId": 41440, "applicationDeviceId": 97, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 0, "inputClusters": [], "outputClusters": [ 33 ] } ], "deviceType": "router", "receiveWhenIdle": true, "capabilities": { "alternatePANCoordinator": false, "deviceType": true, "powerSourceMains": true, "receiveWhenIdle": true, "security": false, "allocateAddress": true }, "extendedEndpointDescriptors": { "1": { "clusters": { "groups": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "nameSupport", "value": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 0 ] }, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ] }, "scenes": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 3, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 4, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ] }, "basic": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "zclVersion", "value": 3 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "name": "appVersion", "value": 74 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "name": "stackVersion", "value": 0 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 3, "name": "hwVersion", "value": 1 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 4, "name": "manufacturerName", "value": "_TZE204_t1blo2bj" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 5, "name": "modelId", "value": "TS0601" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 6, "name": "dateCode", "value": "" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 7, "name": "powerSource", "value": "mains" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 65502 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65534, "name": "attributeReportingStatus", "value": "PENDING" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65506 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65507 } ] } }, "bindings": { "ota": {}, "time": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 1 } ] } } }, "242": { "clusters": {}, "bindings": {} } } }
Additional Comments: [Provide any other relevant information or requests related to the device. Link to where you bought the device can be of help]
Note: To be able to add more devices to the Tuya Zigbee app, we rely on community members like you to provide interviews of the devices you want added. Thank you for your contribution!
I've just seen that this item was a NEO siren alarm that is supposed to be known by your app. The product ID is the same that you write in your driver sirentemphumidsensor TS0601 But, the Manufacturer ID is different : _TZE204_t1blo2bj for mine and _TZE200_d0yu2xgi for your driver. It seems that the two products were indentical. Is it possible to duplicate your driver, than change the Manufacturer ID ? Would it be enough in order to do a test ?
I do not change anything in the original post.
Same device here with same results.
I would also like this one to be added. Currently it just becomes an unkown device when paired.
Same here for a Siren from "Moes" (Ledlux):
"ids": { "modelId": "TS0601", "manufacturerName": "_TZE204_t1blo2bj" }, "endpoints": { "ieeeAddress": "a4:c1:38:bb:82:be:b7:b3", "networkAddress": 8529, "modelId": "TS0601", "manufacturerName": "_TZE204_t1blo2bj", "endpointDescriptors": [ { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 8529, "_reserved": 20, "endpointId": 1, "applicationProfileId": 260, "applicationDeviceId": 81, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 1, "inputClusters": [ 4, 5, 61184, 0 ], "outputClusters": [ 25, 10 ] }, { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 8529, "_reserved": 10, "endpointId": 242, "applicationProfileId": 41440, "applicationDeviceId": 97, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 0, "inputClusters": [], "outputClusters": [ 33 ] } ], "deviceType": "router", "receiveWhenIdle": true, "capabilities": { "alternatePANCoordinator": false, "deviceType": true, "powerSourceMains": true, "receiveWhenIdle": true, "security": false, "allocateAddress": true }, "extendedEndpointDescriptors": { "1": { "clusters": { "groups": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "nameSupport", "value": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 0 ] }, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ] }, "scenes": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 3, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 4, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ] }, "basic": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "zclVersion", "value": 3 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "name": "appVersion", "value": 74 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "name": "stackVersion", "value": 0 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 3, "name": "hwVersion", "value": 1 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 4, "name": "manufacturerName", "value": "_TZE204_t1blo2bj" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 5, "name": "modelId", "value": "TS0601" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 6, "name": "dateCode", "value": "" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 7, "name": "powerSource", "value": "mains" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 65502 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65534, "name": "attributeReportingStatus", "value": "PENDING" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65506 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65507 } ] } }, "bindings": { "ota": {}, "time": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 1 } ] } } }, "242": { "clusters": {}, "bindings": {} } } }
can give a try. Works for me.