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Double Power Point - _TZ3210_7jnk7l3k / TS011F
Double Power Point - external - with power monitoring
"ids": { "modelId": "TS011F", "manufacturerName": "_TZ3210_7jnk7l3k" }, "endpoints": { "endpointDescriptors": [ { "endpointId": 1, "applicationProfileId": 260, "applicationDeviceId": 81, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 1, "inputClusters": [ 0, 4, 5, 6, 1794, 2820, 61184, 3 ], "outputClusters": [ 25, 10 ] }, { "endpointId": 2, "applicationProfileId": 260, "applicationDeviceId": 81, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 1, "inputClusters": [ 4, 5, 6, 61184, 3 ], "outputClusters": [] }, { "endpointId": 242, "applicationProfileId": 41440, "applicationDeviceId": 97, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 0, "inputClusters": [], "outputClusters": [ 33 ] } ], "endpoints": { "1": { "clusters": { "basic": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "zclVersion", "value": 3, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "name": "appVersion", "value": 74, 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Hi Johan - l have this same request for this item. Please let me know if there is anything l can do to help with it.
Hi, I have been using this device through the app in Homey, but only one of the two outlets is controllable. Wondering if a fix is possible to control both left and right outlets. energy monitoring would be great, but honestly left and right control is what im seeking please