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This library is a modification of the awesome ChartJs.Blazor library by mariusmuntean. It's supposed to add more functionality to the LineChart and generally make the library more complete.

ChartJs interop with Blazor

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This is a Blazor Component that wraps ChartJS. You can use the library in both client- and server-side projects.

Status Update (end of life)

This repository has reached its end of life. All future development will be done in the original repo. You can find more information in this pinned issue (#97).


This library is a modification of this awesome library by Marius Muntean.

Since it has now become apparent that the old repo is not maintained anymore, this project is continued and extended here. Since this is a project I'm working on in my free time, don't expect this to grow rapidly. There will often be differences between the docs and the actual code so I really advise you to go look at the WebCore-project which contains several examples that are up-to-date.


Latest changes


  • Update to .NET Core 3.0
  • Fix static assets issue (the issue was our description)
  • Expand Tooltip-configuration and add them to all charts
  • Rework bar-chart
    • This had some side-effects regarding namespaces.

The detailed changelog can be found here.

How to update (breaking changes):

  • For any property that used a simple type like string or a very open type like object, there might be new enum for that which allows for type-safe customization. Check those, many of them should yield compiler errors anyway.
  • Correctly include the static assets (see the usage section below) since it wasn't described correctly before.
  • If you used any time related classes except for the axis and the ticks, you might need to include the namespace Common.Time.
  • For line- and polar-area-charts the axes namespaces have been removed since they were actually common classes. They have been moved to Common.Axes and Common.Axes.Ticks. Check if you need to include/remove certain namespaces.
  • Since some properties on the BarOptions were in the wrong place, they were removed. You can use those again (and they will now actually work) if you specify them in an Axis from the BarChart.Axes namespace.

Please keep in mind that this is still a preview. Expect breaking changes during the next releases. We're reworking all the charts because most of them contain errors and inconsistencies.


Don't know what Blazor is? Read here.

The prerequisites are:

  1. Visual Studio 2019 16.3
  2. .NET Core 3


There's a NuGet package available: ChartJs.Blazor.Fork

Install from the command line:

dotnet add package ChartJs.Blazor.Fork


For detailed instructions read the Chart.Js documentation to understand how each chart works in detail or go to the Wiki to check the examples provided there. Since the example here and those in the wiki might be outdated very fast because of the many breaking changes, I would also advise you to go look at the WebCore-project in this repos where you can find some examples.

Before you can start creating a chart with a config etc, you have to include some static assets to your project.

In your _Host.cshtml (server-side) or in your index.html (client-side) -file add this code to have moment.js with the locales:

<script src=""
<script src=""></script>

or this code if you want the bundled version of Chart.Js, but without the locales of moment.js (moment.js itself is then included in the bundle):

<script src=""></script> <!--Contains moment.js for time axis-->

Furthermore, you need to include the js-interop and the css-file which enables responsiveness.
Since those are static assets in the library, you should be able to reference them via your _Host.cshtml/index.html-file directly, without copying the files. You can do that using _content as seen below:

<script src="_content/ChartJs.Blazor.Fork/ChartJsInterop.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/ChartJs.Blazor.Fork/ChartJsBlazor.css" />

Disclaimer: Make sure to include the Blazor _framework-script before including the library-script. Otherwise, you will face the error: Uncaught reference error: "Blazor is not defined at ChartJsInterop.js:5". This issue is also documented in the known issues page.

Now to creating the chart. Below is a simple example for a line-chart. Examples of the other chart types can be found in the Wiki. You can find the examples also here (the examples are probably more up to date in case the below code doesn't work).

The example covers a few static options, how to use a simple point-dataset and how to dynamically initialize and update the data displayed on the chart.

@page "/SimpleLineLinearExample"
@using WebCore.Data
@using ChartJs.Blazor.Charts
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common.Properties
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common.Enums
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common.Legends
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.LineChart
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.LineChart.Axes
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.LineChart.Axes.Ticks
@using ChartJs.Blazor.Util.Color

<h2>Line Linear Chart</h2>
<ChartJsLineChart @ref="lineChartJs" Config="@lineConfig" Width="600" Height="300" />
<Button @onclick="UpdateChart">Add random point</Button>

    LineConfig lineConfig;
    ChartJsLineChart lineChartJs;

    private LineDataset<Point> pointDataset;

    private Random rnd = new Random();

    protected override void OnInit()
        lineConfig = new LineConfig
            Options = new LineOptions
                Responsive = true,
                Title = new OptionsTitle
                    Display = true,
                    Text = "Simple Line Chart"
                Legend = new Legend
                    Position = Positions.Right,
                    Labels = new LegendLabelConfiguration
                        UsePointStyle = true
                Tooltips = new Tooltips
                    Mode = InteractionMode.Nearest,
                    Intersect = false
                Scales = new Scales
                    xAxes = new List<CartesianAxis>
                        new LinearCartesianAxis
                            ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel
                                LabelString = "X-value"
                    yAxes = new List<CartesianAxis>()
                        new LinearCartesianAxis
                            ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel
                                LabelString = "Random value"

        pointDataset = new LineDataset<Point>()
            BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 255, 0, 1.0),
            BorderColor = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 0, 255, 1.0),
            Label = "Some values",
            Fill = false,
            PointBackgroundColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(),
            BorderWidth = 1,
            PointRadius = 3,
            PointBorderWidth = 1

        pointDataset.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Point(i, rnd.Next(30))));


    private void UpdateChart()
        pointDataset.Add(new Point(pointDataset.Data.Last().X +1, rnd.Next(rnd.Next(50))));

For running on client-side Blazor there is currently a bug with JSON.NET tracked by this issue. The known workaround is to include the following line in the parent component:

private ReferenceConverter ReferenceConverter = new ReferenceConverter(typeof(PROBLEMATIC_COMPONENT));

where PROBLEMATIC_COMPONENT is a placeholder for the chart-component you're using inside this component (e.g. ChartJsBarChart, ChartJsPieChart, ChartJsLineChart, ..).

This issue is also documented in the known issues page.



We really like people helping us with the project. Nevertheless, take your time to read our contributing guidelines here.