Joel Pasvolsky

Results 48 comments of Joel Pasvolsky

@jackraymond, looks like this website detects & reject robots from accessing if you try with `curl` it returns `Please complete this reCAPTCHA to demonstrate that it's you making the...

I see why using a flag would be annoying, but can you say something about the advantages of setting this at invocation versus some attribute you can set later?

Something like this: ``` >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() >>> sampler.default_coordinates = "coordinates" >>> (0, 0, 0, 0) in sampler.nodelist True >>> sampler.default_coordinates = "nice_coordinates" >>> (0, 0, 0, 0) in...

Okay, thanks, I saw that as the user needing to be responsible for being consistent in using a coordinate scheme rather than breaking the sampler, but it is safer to...

Going with your preference, we should at least make that clearly stick out - I was scrolling down and at first I thought it was a mistake that Kerberos was...

Would be nice to also to add at least a few signpost statements for users scrolling through the **Reference Workflows** page that the next item is a sampler. dwave-hybrid has...

Thanks @boothby and @arcondello. I was not testing, I was naively using: the description does not include the details now explained. ``` Given a clique (fully connected graph) and target...

`sampler = KerberosSampler()`

I think what surprised me most was not that it doesn't have the granularity of interrupting the loop body, but that it applies to the loop body rather than the...