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A Prisma client abstraction that simplifies caching.

Cached Prisma

A Prisma client abstraction that simplifies caching.


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To implement a cache we need to divert the prisma client's internals so that we can return cached values without hitting the database. To do this we can use readonly singleton instances for the client and cache objects.

import { Prisma } from 'cached-prisma';

const client1 = new Prisma().client;
const client2 = new Prisma().client;

client1 === client2;
import { Prisma } from 'cached-prisma';

const cache1 = new Prisma().cache;
const cache2 = new Prisma().cache;

cache1 === cache2;

The caching mechanism should be configurable. To control the object used for cache storage you can extend the Prisma class:

import { LruCache } from 'cached-prisma';

class CustomPrisma extends Prisma {
  cacheFactory = () => new LruCache(100);

Minimal example

Create a prisma schema.

datasource db {
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")
  provider = "postgresql"

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

model User {
  id   Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  name String

Create a database. In this example we create a postgres container. You can switch db, user and password for your environment.

docker run --rm -d              \
  -p 5432:5432                  \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=db             \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=user         \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \

Define the DATABASE_URL environment variable mentioned in our prisma schema.

export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db

Generate the types for your client.

prisma generate

Migrate the database.

prisma migrate dev

Now we can create our client:

import { Prisma } from 'cached-prisma';

const client = new Prisma().client;

client.user.create({ data: { name: 'Joel' } });

Advanced concepts

The default cache is a fixed size queue that pops values as it surpasses its maximum length.

import LruMap from 'collections/lru-map';

new LruCache(100);

Memcached support is provided out of the box:

import { Memcached } from 'cached-prisma';

class CustomPrisma extends Prisma {
  cacheFactory = () => new Memcached('', 10);

The second parameter to the Memcached constructor is the storage lifetime of each write in seconds.

Caches implement safe read and write methods:

export type Maybe<T> = T | null;

export interface Cache {
  read: (key: string) => Maybe<string>;
  write: (key: string, value: string) => void;

export interface AsyncCache {
  read: (key: string) => Promise<Maybe<string>>;
  write: (key: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;

We cache the following methods which do not mutate state:

  • findUnique
  • findMany
  • findFirst
  • queryRaw
  • aggregate
  • count

After any of the following state mutating methods we flush the cache:

  • create
  • createMany
  • delete
  • deleteMany
  • executeRaw
  • update
  • updateMany
  • upsert

Running locally

git clone

To start up a postgres and memcached container:

grunt database
grunt caches


To run tests:

grunt test


Local performance profilers are included as a sanity check:

grunt profile
1000 read calls:
│    (index)    │   time /s   │
│ Without cache │ 2.778027378 │
│ LruMap cache  │ 0.106343917 │
│   Memcached   │ 0.136733023 │

1000 read and write calls:
│    (index)    │   time /s    │
│ Without cache │ 11.241554884 │
│ LruMap cache  │ 18.793905985 │
│   Memcached   │ 18.799760361 │


This repository's documentation is hosted on readthedocs.


To run linters:

grunt lint

To run formatters:

grunt format

Continuous integration

This repository uses github actions to lint and test each commit. Formatting tasks and writing/generating documentation must be done before committing new code.


This repository adheres to semantic versioning standards. For more information on semantic versioning visit SemVer.

Bump2version is used to version and tag changes. For example:

bump2version patch


Please read this repository's changelog for details on changes that have been made.


Please read this repository's guidelines on contributing for details on the process for submitting pull requests. Moreover, our code of conduct declares our collaboration standards.


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